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Candy 1st MRB

Master Sergeant
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Everything posted by Candy 1st MRB

  1. As with 2014, I have created a design to commemorate the occasion, hope you like it!
  2. Thank you for your assistance as always Yama! Gardner did Yama's suggestions help you out?
  3. They didn't qualify this time Gougeon...
  4. Ok people World Cup is here again this Summer, who are people's teams to beat? I am going with Germany again like 2014.
  5. Happy Birthday buddy!
  6. Happy Birthday Sir! And Many more!
  7. Vikings have never made the Super Bowl, maybe this is their year? We'll see how it goes...Nice to hear from you Gearhart!
  8. 1st MRB Newsletter January 2018
  9. Thanks Everyone...Musleh...<facepalm>
  10. A few years ago, but my expression is priceless.
  11. This. I love me some Steel Series.
  12. Happy Birthday my friend, and many more!
  13. Happy Birthday man, and many more!
  14. Great Job!
  16. Damn fine shootin'...I got that skin too if your nice Barry will give it to you =P
  17. Whoa! Holy Necro Post!
  18. Great Job Everyone, let's keep it rolling for December!
  19. From what you have told it looks like you have worked out a solution. If you have any more problems don't hesitate to ask. Topic closed.
  20. From what we have discussed you have your new monitor picked out. Topic Closed.
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