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Candy 1st MRB

Master Sergeant
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Everything posted by Candy 1st MRB

  1. 1st MRB Newsletter October-November 2017
  2. Thanks for the assistance Elf. Hottle, glad it is resolved, apologies for not getting to your ticket sooner. Ticket closed.
  3. Sounds great Jank, should I leave this ticket open for more suggestions or do you have what you need?
  4. Great suggestions, thanks for input guys. I personally haven't bought a monitor in awhile either but from what I have seen I think the suggestions made by Elf and Gearhart are spot on. Think about size of the screen, resolution and response time. Also think about things like space on your desk, angle of motion the monitor has and any other extras(like built in USB hubs, etc.) Ant other technicians like to weigh in on this for him?
  5. Nice vid! I love the soundtrack, one of my favorite Rage tracks
  6. Looks like...fun?
  7. Anything New on your situation Brooks?
  8. Closing this topic due to inactivity. You can always bump another ticket or revisit this one in the future.
  9. Happy Birthday buddy, and many more!
  10. Woah, things just intense, Swedish Death Match!
  11. Have you solved your new Graphics card issue Holquist?
  12. Any Steam techs or software experts help Brooks with his issue here?
  13. Here is a post off the Steam Forums about this problem, see if this works. http://steamcommunity.com/app/231430/discussions/0/617328967242629130/
  14. Used to play this in the early 2000's, if the graphics have been overhauled the game play is pretty awesome. I liked playing a tank and going with other players in a convoy to attack a town. It was loads of fun but I didn't play as much as I wanted because I played other MMO's at the time. Its a fun game that doesn't require a lot of commitment, just play when you feel like it.
  15. Nice Shootin' Tex!
  16. Happy Birthday buddy! And many more!
  17. Thanks Yama, I recall you on the case about this issue. Elf, for now see if another recording software is an option for you, I will talk to the Major about other options.
  18. There has been an issue with recording demos on the server for quite some time as I recall. Might try a third party software to record demos like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). You can get it here: https://obsproject.com/. It is great software that many in the Unit have used to make videos with if you need any help with settings.
  19. Any Technician help Larson with this?
  20. I talked to Wagner recently and she said this has fixed itself and her sprays are working. Closing ticket.
  21. Well Done My Young Apprentice...
  22. Happy Birthday buddy, and many more!
  23. Anything new on this ticket? Are you still having the problem?
  24. Thanks for the help 2ndLt., I know we have both dealt with this before. Did the suggestion help you Dubois?
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