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Candy 1st MRB

Master Sergeant
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Everything posted by Candy 1st MRB

  1. Formatting is still wonky guys, apologies. Thanks to everyone that contributed for another great issue!
  2. 1st MRB Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2017
  3. Quick thinking! Very nice. The game is still pretty new to me but it always keeps you on your toes, I am slowly learning strategy to survive longer with the help of others. I got down to the last 8 in one game but died outside the circle, probably my best solo game. A group of four of us got down to the final 4 but we lost, it was so close!
  4. Amazing shots Dillon! You and I need to share some camera filter secrets...=P
  5. This is a 8 year old computer, any other technicians have input on whats best for Holquist here? It now has Windows 7 as well.
  6. In talking to you last night I failed to ask you, since this is a Dell there is a possibility the graphics card is not stand alone and built into the motherboard. If you can go into the Device manager and tell us what video card it says you have that would also be helpful. A built-in video card would have to be disabled to install a stand alone. Click Windows Button>Control Panel>Hardware and Sound and "Device Manager" will be a link under Devices and Printers. Once in the Device manager relay back to us what the "display Adapter" is in the list. If you want to screen shot like you did in the last post that will work as well.
  7. Excellent. Thanks Yama, we gonna have to put you on the payroll! heh Seriously though, thank you good sir! Ticket closed.
  8. Picking a video card you need to consider a few things: -How much money can you comfortably spend -What type of games are you playing -Is your computer hardware and software compatible If you could post your computer specs that would help. I am a Nvidia fan personally but a lot of the new AMD/ATI cards are very comparable in performance and price. I am using a NVidia 970 8GB and I pretty much run everything, even with 5 year old components(I dont even have DDR4 memory) When we figure out what card you want we can assist you with installation, we can link a video tutorial or give you instructions.
  9. Did Yama's suggestion help you with the problem Viktor?
  10. Looks as though Brown saves the day. Ticket Closed.
  11. I will look into possibilities. Meanwhile, do you use any mods/add-ons that may affect this? If so have you tried going back to vanilla/reinstall to see if it is fixed? Just a few things I can think of off the top of my head. Any other technicians have any ideas?
  12. Done. He won't be back.
  13. Haven't heard form you in awhile Ucar, do you still need assistance?
  14. Great jobs on the articles Correspondents and Editors, if I can just figure out this formatting issue it'll be golden.
  15. I realize the formatting is off but every page has the same width and I exported them the same way I always do, a bit stumped here but I will figure it out. I will fix the Newsletter in the next few days but for now, enjoy! Edit: I have re-exported the pages and for some reason they still don't format properly. They look fine on mobile and are formatted properly. Is it just me? Do the pages look the same width to everyone else on their computer?
  16. 1st MRB Newsletter JULY-AUGUST 2017
  17. Good to hear from you Turner. Hope you can get back to some Realisms and stuff soon!
  18. Guys, I have decided to quit Rocket League for awhile. My level of skill is not improving, I am spending too much on keys...its getting a bit obsessive at this point. If anyone would like some of my stuff I am giving it away. I intend to come back to the game but after a long break from it. If anyone would like to take lead on the tournament I will be happy to help in any way but i will not be playing.
  19. Ucar, are you still having trouble with vent?
  20. Here's who we got so far. 1. Candy 2. Shank 3. Vicari 4. Gilmore 5. Samuels 6. Konig 7. Ripley? 8. Anderson? As we add people feel free to edit this post and add your name to the bottom if you want to play. Its open to any Unit member, retired or BAR this time. Remember to put your teams below, let's get this going!
  21. Ok New Tournament is in the works. I will post details over the rest of the week. For now, I am considering adding dropshot and rumble to the tourney, thoughts? We had only a limited amount of people last time but we had some fun. I set the teams at random because we had such a wide variety (including myself) of skill levels. Most of us have played enough now to have boosted our skills so this time, we will be picking set teams. You guys start posting your teams(and names of teams) for the tournament and I will arrange a date/time/bracket etc. For now heres the modified logo, Yerrrr:
  22. Ucar, Message me this evening and we can work this out.
  23. Ok New Tournament is in the works. I will post details over the rest of the week. For now, I am considering adding dropshot and rumble to the tourney, thoughts? We had only a limited amount of people last time but we had some fun. I set the teams at random because we had such a wide variety (including myself) of skill levels. Most of us have played enough now to have boosted our skills so this time, we will be picking set teams. You guys start posting your teams(and names of teams for the tournament and I will arrange a date/time/bracket etc. For now heres the modified logo, Yerrrr:
  24. Ok guys if you are interested in the tournament lets start getting the ball rolling again. Post on the Tournament thread times that are good for you and days.
  25. It is indeed a blast to play this game! I am still working on my skills but its more fun with people you know. We had a Tournament back in March, probably want to have another in the near future, here's the thread if you are interested.
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