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Candy 1st MRB

First Sergeant
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  1. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - Missing file / console was marked as the answer   
    Excellent. I will go ahead and close this ticket. Please get back with us if you have any more issues.
  2. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - Demos keeps crashing my game was marked as the answer   
    There has been an issue with recording demos on the server for quite some time as I recall. Might try  a third party software to record demos like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). You can get it here:
    It is great software that many in the Unit have used to make videos with if you need any help with settings.
  3. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - Can't log into ventrillo was marked as the answer   
    Glad I could help with resetting your password. Ticket Closed.
  4. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - Windows 10 was marked as the answer   
    Glad we could help. Ticket Closed.
  5. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - FPS Drop was marked as the answer   
    We spoke in Vent and Turner has also spoken to you about this issue. Have there been any updates? Is the problem still occurring and should we research it further?
  6. Candy 1st MRB's post in Resolved - Sound Driver/Card was marked as the answer   
    Is the PC a custom built PC or did you buy it from a store? If it is from the store or online (like Dell) you can go to their website and download the drivers in the support section. If the computer was custom built then make sure to run the driver disk for the motherboard. The drivers for the sound will most likely be on that disk or can be downloaded. Please respond after trying these two options or if you need any help finding the drivers.
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