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Wanner 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Wanner 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday brother!
  2. Happy Birthday Major! Hope it's a great one!!!!
  3. Happy Birthday Scinta! Hope its a great one brother!
  4. Happy Birthday Branem! Hope this birthday treats you well!
  5. Heyyoo!! Happy Birthday Sir! Hope its one for the books! But seriously though... please make it back... *Salute*
  6. Happy Birfday Gmoney!
  7. LoL, I'm going to tell that one at work today!
  8. Happy Birthday Brenton!! I hope you have an excellent day today! Also I love you.
  9. I prefer quickswitch over all.
  10. Moose! Welcome to the forums man! Stick around there's plenty of fragging to go around brother! Enlisting is easy as pie, and you'll find a lot more here with the 1stMRB, then just " A couple guys to play DODS with." I look forward to your application.
  11. Britton, happy birthday my dude. I hope that you have a great one this year. I hope that you let all your other troubles melt away for today. I'm smoking and drinking in your name brother. <3
  12. This is awesome!!! Way to rep the fam Beuting!!!!! 1st MRB FO LYFE! I have the Razor Taipan... fail.
  13. Congratulations Thompson family!!! I'm overwhelmed with happiness for you both! Rest easy guys! <3
  14. Hey Vicari, happy birthday man! I hope its a great one!
  15. Happy Birthday Click!!!! Hope it's a great one brother!!
  16. Welcome back Woz!! Unfortunate that you had to experience all that but you're past it now. See you soon!
  17. Happy Independence Day everyone! Please stay safe (and classy San Diego).
  18. Happy Birthday Bud! Hope its a great one!
  19. Inspirational!
  20. Great publication everyone! Thanks for the great read!!! Keep it up!
  21. This game looks fantastic, and I will most likely spend some grip on this!
  22. "I've got a Pepsi bottle, and a coke glass, *POURS* I don't give a damn."
  23. Much agreed with Hill! The raiders that are still here since I've been a recruit, has inspired me to keep working hard for the best unit in DOD:S! LEARN THE DEDICATION!! LEARN IT! I'm going to be three years here in the unit next month. Here's my enlistment: First Name:William Last Name:Wanner In-game name:MyMojoSoDope Steam ID (ex. STEAM_0:1:298):STEAM_0:0:63876932 Date of Birth:12/04/1990 Location:Columbia, Missouri. U.S. Do you have a working mic?:of Course. Do you have Ventrilo?:of Course. _______________________ Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders?:I'm interested in realism, as well as playing competitively and gaining new skills. Also these marines are a bunch of great guys! (and gals (Willow)) tongue.gif And I wish to be apart of it. Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who?:GySgt.A. Arsenault How are you today?:I am most excellent. This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful?:I have skills in coding and programming biggrin.gif So running a server or maintenance to a server would be no problem. I've had past experience with FTP, but i'm not sure which engine these servers run on. Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful?:Absolutely, I was a Sgt in another realism unit a few years back, on top of that I have been playing FPS games competitively since the original C.O.D. came out for the PC. Been all over to lans, and have been paid to play and paid to coach. ________________ Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it?: Yes, and I believe 6th RB? But don't quote me on that, it's been a few years. Ranks held within that unit:Rec-Sgt. Reason for leaving that unit:Went off to college. _______________________ Parting Comments:Thanks for the consideration gentlemen. I look forward to playing with you. By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully. Signed, William Wanner
  24. Happy Birthday Gumby!!! Yer!
  25. Happy Birthday Duckers! May Holland bless you with big tittied women and beer on this day!
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