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Dawson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Dawson 1st MRB

  1. I want him to run so bad, even win, just so we can have a flood of clips like this. He'll be a bigger gold mine that bush jr.
  2. did someone mention a desire to play coh?
  3. Bigger European secret:
  4. Pale Blue Dot - Animation from Ehdubya on Vimeo.
  5. Dawson 1st MRB


  6. I'm not seeing any of the Gestalt Principles applied here.
  7. You would make my friend so happy right now. I think I'll email him your post. Here is what they are currently working on. Kinda hit or miss with some of these. http://www.rifftrax.com/
  8. I officially hate the Japanese.
  9. pfft, where's the mentos?
  10. That's almost as awesome as this photo.
  11. Found one! http://bit.ly/aazHws
  12. omg this thread is hilarious.
  13. 1. Micro transactions are bullshit, but keep in mind that the purpose of stock trading is to defer risk. I'd like to see what the actual economic impact of these trades actually are. They could be helping to stabilize prices. 2. They tried this. It got thrown out in court. Corporations are considered a person. 3. The intimidate concern with healthcare is the fact that very soon and very quickly it's going to cost a ton. Maybe in the future these companies might turn a profit, but right now they are looking at forecasts and a constantly changing political environment. Under those circumstances, most companies would pull bullshit too. I think it can be simply put that any system would be better than one where we rely on the employer to provide health insurance. It creates a model where everyone is spending someone elses money. 4. Just as long as you tax the shit out of hedge funds I don't care.
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