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Dawson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Dawson 1st MRB

  1. keep putin me on there parker, aint never gonna happen.
  2. looks like Technical writing would be slightly better, unless you're going into a research field of any kind. Ask around and see who liked which professor.
  3. hard to tell without course descriptions.
  4. Gave em a couple of days.
  5. Gave em a couple of days.
  6. Have some pizza.
  7. reading this thread made me tired. I go take nap.
  8. nothing like a mass murder to bring out the crazy crackpots outta the wood work.
  9. Here's another good one.
  10. It's not a game trailer. It's a small movie for youtube.
  11. Your childhood is ending. Happy Birthday!
  12. still drunk?
  13. Yea, peaker, WTF? I'd like to see your movies look this good.
  14. silvia has gotten so complacent with his training and sonnen is such a dipshit. I don't know who I want to win.
  15. you all are trying too hard.
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