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Dawson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Dawson 1st MRB

  1. Add me if you're playing, I usually have some buds running a decent company. NutsSuperior
  2. a good response.
  3. the question is did they fix all the shit from the original release?
  4. What it looks like when someone doesn't tap out to a heel hook. Not for the feint of heart. http://www.sportsinferno.com/threads/10601...A-Injury-(NSFW)
  5. This got made a while back, but just made it's way onto vimeo. The German from Nick Ryan on Vimeo.
  6. This kind of thing isn't legal in most Jiu-jitsu http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2012/1/29/27552...ely-with-a-calf
  7. Can I get your moms number?
  8. finally someone posts something worth watching. Now tayne I can get into.
  9. need a replay, denied. Maybe if we talked to legend sooner, but it's too old now. Watch out for this guy.
  10. not listed in the ban list, must have been taken care of
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