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J. Liekens

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Liekens

  1. I think my body is yet to show me how fast I can take a shit when the fire alarm strikes.
  2. I have had this conversation far to many with my friends in the pub, so I ask you guys. Do you fold youre toilet paper before wiping or do you just heap it up together in a ball? and what is youre reason behind it? Personally I'm a folder, because if you roll it up you might put to much force behind it and you'll finger will rip through the paper. So are you a folder or a heaper? Or perhaps no toilet paper at all? sorry for the rubbish english
  3. I still think its a nice video. I enjoyed watching it.
  4. thnks guys! but lm shitfacd allredy
  5. Somewhere in Asia
  6. Ah well, principal I guess. I just like it to be fun for the inner unit, it doesn't have to go out this circle for me.
  7. Don't put that on youtube. I don't mind being on the forums with it but I don't want it on youtube tho.
  8. It works! I reïnstalled my dod's for the millionth time and it finally works. thank you everybody for the help
  9. still not working :/
  10. It is allready on 0 sir.
  11. Name: J. Liekens Rank: Pvt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: Hello, So I have this problem with creating my server in dod:s. I can launch the game and everything untill I am in the map itself. Whenever I am in the map I can't seem to be moving around. I Can only look around and shoot a million bullets without having to reload my gun I can also shoot without the bolt action. I have reinstalled my game and it dousn't work either. This is really inconvenient for me since I am a strategist and i need to get work done for the unit. sorry for my english and thank you for the help! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Holland Supporting Technician: Candy
  12. In belgium we knuckle fight bears!
  13. I'd tap that!
  14. Allright in order to get this topic going again I am going to post a not all to sober picture of me. And yes I have a habit to dress up whenever I had a couple of beers. Who is topping this?
  15. Indeed one of the finest defenses. Can't believe we actually won that round!
  16. 8/10 Cool drum solo man, I used to play the drums as well. Apparntly nobody knows the genre drum and bass in the US. so here is to enrichen your knowledge of music with some liquid drum and bass.
  17. Hey man, I am no tech support or anything but, what I would do is reinstall my entire game. greetings Janko Liekens
  18. 10/10 Ive seen them live this summer @ Pukkelpop, and they where frigging amazing man! To stay in the zebra mood, Here is red zebra. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhCLwGt-mM4
  19. Spread the word guys! this petition is going good.
  20. This is an amazing 90's song
  21. What world are we living in..
  22. Cool! who are the new privates?
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