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J. Liekens

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by J. Liekens

  1. Nice video Cannon! you should make more of those
  2. 7/10 Good stuff man! I used to listen alot to judas priest. However here's a real euro banger!
  3. hey man, I have the same problem from time to time. What I do is I exit steam so that I am actually offline and I relog back in. after that it just works normal again. Hope it helps. greetings, Janko Liekens
  4. Hey guys, So I was checking out the community at the dod:s steam page where I found this link. http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/day-of-defeat-2 Its a petition to valve asking them to make another day of defeat. I have been personally looking forward to a new version of day of defeat for quite a while, but it never really started. Now there are some dudes who started this petition, and all it needs are 5000 people signing the petition. It is allready at 2580 people, I think we can get that 5000 no problem. All you have to do is give youre name and why you want to have a new day of defeat. Show this to link to everyone in the unit and other units if you really want a new day of defeat comming up! Greetings, Janko Liekens
  5. This is me in hungary, resting out a bit before going to sziget festival.
  6. Hello, I was trying to get on ventrillo the other night with my phone because I found an app that could connect to ventrillo. I thought it was fun to have it so I gave it a go. Howeve I forgot to log me off on my computer on vent as well. After a couple of tries of connecting to vent with my phone it said i got banned for same IP usage. Now I am also banned on ventrillo on my computer. Sorry for this inconvenience but I did not know it wasn't allowed. therefore I appolagise. Can i get unbanned on the ventrillo server? Sorry for my bad english & sorry if this isn't the right topic to post it to. Greetings Recruit Liekens Janko
  7. Thank you very much sir! really appreciate it. Greetings Janko Liekens
  8. Hello, I have a problem with my ventrillo. I was just in ventrillo doing nothing when out of nowhere i disconnected. I've had this befor so I just tried to reconnect, However it said I was banned on the list or somthing. Could someone please help me out with this or tell me if I acctually got banned for some reason? Might be somthing to know, I had internet issues the entire day. don't know if that helps. Appolagies for my english, and I hope someone can fix it. Thank you! Liekens Janko Rec. J. Liekens [1st MRB]
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