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White 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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  1. If anyone wants to group up, give me a shout. Bliz name hotsoup#1906
  2. Added to my list of things to keep an eye on for sure. Looks interesting.
  3. It's really early to tell in a sense of game modes, but from a gameplay standpoint it has a lot of similar feel to DoD. I have tried out many other 1st person shooters and the movement speed/feel is very similar to DoD. From a difference standpoint, this game feels much more hardcore/realistic. What I mean by that is that most shots are one hit kills. This game has also incorporated a suppression fire system that feels good as well. I think there is a bright future for this game's similarities to DoD, but that is all dependent on the community interest. Map makers have already put out a beta version of Flash and he is talking about making Donner if the community wants it. But it is community driven so that can be seen as a positive and a negative. Some company just has to sack up and make a new ww2 game on a modern engine already, but for the time being this game feels like a 2016 update of DoD to me personally.
  4. Found a sale on the game for 6$ USD....HumbleBundle
  5. I remember when I was offended that I had to buy DoD:S and that it was not a mod. Don't dismiss it just because its a mod. I would buy it as well if it went to full release.
  6. In my mind this game has the potential to be the next Day of Defeat for me. It has that dod feel to it with added realism of a hard core eliminate and fire suppression. It really depends on what the community does with it, which makes me excited. I wonder if there is the potential for the realism community to move here. What are your thoughts?
  7. So apparently the creators of Insurgency have created the backbone of a ww2 mod... Its definitely worth checking out if you already own Insurgency (Insurgency often goes on sale..I got mine for a dollar).
  8. I'm going to call you .25 guy but I'm just a nerd

  9. You name is just racist. I shall now be called K. Black to even the odds.

  10. I'm itching to get my hands on this map in the private server. How are you coming with those edits you mentioned in your previous post. Any luck with the mini map. While the mini map is a huge benefit it is not a deal breaker so don't let that limit you to getting something to a submit-able format. I would say you next step in this whole process if you want to bring your map all the way (cause I can just speak for myself but I think this map would be a huge benefit to the unit) is to do those fps edits you are capable of doing and attempt to submit your map to the Ordnance office. It would be easier if you just re-enlisted, but you can talk to a unit member to help submit the map once you are at that step. I wanna play on it......
  11. Name:плащевик Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:122382234 Duration of Ban: One Week but I would like it increased to permanent Reasons for the Ban: I believe hacking with no recoil Demo Provided?: Yes. Comments:I would like confirmation that he/she was hacking.
  12. They patched it the game and I was able to load into the server. I logged out and back in successfully as well. We can call this issue resolved. Sorry for the bother, I guess I have to lower my expectations for and alpha game/raise my expectations for the development team who fixed the issue in the patch. Well thanks for everyone's input on this issue on this thread as well as through steam chat.
  13. I have created my own server and it works fine. I normally give up on the loading after 5 minutes but I can definately just let it go for a bit and see if that works. I will put my settings down to the lowest and on that note I also saw that you can turn off anti-aliasing will help it load faster so I will attempt that as well.
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