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Everything posted by Palemire

  1. Ok so I decided to take a look into mods for skyrim tonight and found this. http://sureai.net/projects/enderal/?lang=en From what I've seen in videos so far they've taken a darker turn in storyline and such compared to Skyrim's original basis, along with producing an entirely new world to traverse apart from Tamriel. I'm in the process of downloading and setting this up now and I'll be posting more when I find out more on my own. If anyone looks into this after this post do write down what else you find out as well.
  2. P. E. R. F. E. C. T.
  3. That happens from time to time when it gets really filled up. At least that happens to me I'll attempt to go on and find out if its just that.
  4. "I don't recommend sticking your dick in a bottle of vodka..." -SSgt. A. Motolla
  5. It has ceased to be! This is an Ex-Parrot!
  6. In a game of Arma III... The Browny: "OH theres a guy in the general store... I'M GONNA KNIFE HIM!" L. Barry: *in direct chat to Browny* "Wait NO NO NO ITS ME!" *Browny gets kill on Barry* L. Barry: "Why would you do that? I have a wife and kids to raise!" A. Motolla: *chants* "Its a small world after all! Its a small world after all! Its a small world after all!" *all of us start laughing all at once* Later on... A. Motolla: "Is that lightning over there?" L. Barry: "Yeah thats the admin... he's pissed off. Zeusing it all up in this thing..."
  7. Happy Bday Mullaney! :3
  8. Barry powers activate! Shape of "M2"! Form of "exorbitant amount of kills"!
  10. This is exactly why I'd like to play DnD at least once in my life. Because of crazy crap like this happening/being imagined.
  11. I second this.
  12. Good idea haha. Hopefully I'll get selected for it.
  13. That show is one of the best I've seen on youtube. Especially the dragon. Though, the cut in half guy is pretty cool as well.
  14. HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD OF THIS! O___O This is awesome!
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