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About Thornton

  • Birthday 07/23/1992

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  • Interests
    Baseball, Basketball, Racing, Military.

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  1. Well - I didn't make the cut. No catcher did, I think one pitcher might have been signed. I had to catch him he was tossing mid to high 90s with a nasty 12-6. We catchers got the short end as they failed to tell us from the get go that trying out for catcher was pointless because they just drafted 4 out of college. They promised us we would get to hit after everybody else and when it was our turn they told us due to time constraints we couldn't hit when really, they just wanted us to be their bullpen slaves for 6-7 hours. I stayed geared up and squatting I know for a solid 2 hours, which that is NOT me complaining, I got my name out there and now scouts are blowing me up, but we all talked and we feel a little wronged. Despite all that, they had a ranking system set up as well as a grading system, throughout the days activities I managed an A- grade, and I captured #3 on the ranking chart out of 16. So its a win win. It was quite the spectacle to behold, for real. Walked away with a truck load of experience and new ideas, also got some crucial coaching, my arm strength is below average for the majors coach said, so I need to throw every day to get that up and beyond par.
  2. You're totally right. I graduate next spring semester with my associates in criminal justice. Oh yeah if I make it, there's gonna be a big shout out to all of my gamer buddies I have met along the way first time they put me in front of a camera haha
  3. the picture above is me receiving a outside change up. I'm the catcher 24 and the next picture is of our forward on the left, me in the middle with the hat, our 6th man point guard and our coach who's going in for the hand shake to the 3 point contest runner up from tidewater community college. Our guy won. This was a part of our state championship weekend.
  4. I know I'm new, and one of the lowest guys on the totem pole here at the 1st MRB. But tomorrow is my big day; my career day of sorts. Every since I was a little kid, I've wanted 2 things in my life: to be like my father figures in life (2 Marines, Army Mechanic and a Naval Ordinance man.) so I find myself often holstering my Glock 38 and walking throughout my house as if I was clearing a building. I have been studying to be a Police Officer, most like a game warden (Conservation Police Officer, CPO.) for the last 4 years of my life and now the road I have been traveling on has met a fork. See, also since I was little, I'm 21 now by the way for those of you who haven't met me yet, I have been crazy about one sport and one sport only. Baseball. Baseball is on my mind constantly, its what I eat, sleep breathe and dream about. I have never been cut from a team, and every team I have tried out for I've made the team, I'm good. And I'm a catcher, which is in high demand. (Not gloating, or trying to prove something on here.) I simply have some hard choices to make over the next few days. I will be trying out tomorrow for the Danville Braves, which is the single A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves, there will be scouts from the MLB team there, as well as scouts from other organizations. Now, here's the problem. I graduate next year with my associates in Criminal Justice. It's a transfer Degree so as long as I pick a college that has a CJ program, I'm guaranteed admittance. Should I sign my life away (IF I MAKE THE TEAM) for 7 years, starting at 1,052 dollars a month, or should I take the chance at the draft playing for a 4 year university? I'm guaranteed nothing at a 4 year other than a T-shirt, a smile and a dorm room. So if yall were in my shoes, what would you do? Keep in mind this; I am from a small town, one stop light town, in Virginia and opportunities don't come very often for athletes such as myself, especially being that this area is pro dominantly football and basketball. Now I play basketball but lets be honest, I am nowhere near the basketball playing as I am a baseball player. I pass the ball in ways sometimes I don't even know how I just did that and I occasionally dunk on some dudes head, irrelevant regardless, I cant see myself playing basketball for the rest of my life, Baseball I can.. so.. should I stay in school get my 4 year degree and bet on the Draft, or sign the dotted line as SOON as I get the chance to? Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for all advise. Justin.
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