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Everything posted by Mullaney

  1. A friend sent me this the other day. While super funny it actually scares me a little.
  2. That is really amazing haha.
  3. 8/10 - kinda sexy. I think "trip-hop" is kinda sexy too... not everyone likes it though. (I cant embed yet!)
  4. Am I the only one from New England???? I live in Rhode Island! This is what they want you to see: Yeah great its beautiful and we are on the ocean but this is actually our life: Dont get it twisted - I like Rhode Island (even though Im a Boston girl at heart as I only moved here from MA a few years ago) but its just getting out of hand around here. There are shootings every weekend night and now even middle of the day during the week. There are a lot of gangs, homeless people, and drug addicts wandering the streets and I dont even really go out anymore! For example I went to Providence to pick up some veggies last week and some douche bag hit the mirror on my car because he didnt have enough room to go around me and just kept going. When I got out of my car he stopped and got out and just stared at me so I got back in the car and then he left. There have been instances of this happening and the person who is at fault beats the other guy with a bat for confronting him or stabs him or whatever. I think it helped Im a female and he wasnt sure what to do heh. I live in a town right outside Providence so I try not to go there. My town is ghetto but peaceful for the most part. But we do have this guy so maybe all is well haha:
  5. Ooo I love that Smashing Pumpkins song!!! 90's music is the BEST!!! Seriously... it really is! Even the gay ones you say you dont want haha. Runway Train - Soul Asylum Any Korn song really... I like them.. Man In The Box - Alice in Chains Pearl Jam did a lot in the 90's and they are AWESOME I could go on for daaaaaaaaays but Ill stop.
  6. 9/10 - love that song! It makes a great roadtrip CD addition!! I love this cover of Lolipop by Lil Wayne. The music doesnt start until 2:15 though. I cant get the effin video to embed... the HTML on/off option under post options is not there!!!
  7. This one made me feel "car" sick!!
  8. A trip to the farmers market makes me happy.
  9. I know what you mean about the e-reader thing! It took me a long time of fighting it before I would try it and the only reason I continue to do it is the free books without having to go to the library!!
  10. I LOVE to read! I read all kinds of stuff but I really love memoirs. If anyone has a kindle or ipad or any ereader really there is a group on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EreaderNewsToday?r...location=stream They link about 6 different free books found on Amazon a day... they dont stay free for long! They do the work of finding them for you. They arent always good but I have found some decent ones that way. I really love Laurell K Hamilton - the Anita Blake series and for easy reads I love Robert Parker. And yes - I am on the Hunger Games bandwagon although I hated the movie. The books were awesome.
  11. Mullaney


    I am really into this game!! I just started playing it about a month ago. My wife runs a server off her computer so a few of our friends so it doesnt get lonley. It is pretty fun! Not gonna lie - I scream like a girl when I see an Ender. They are SCARY! I love to build houses and explore mines. We made a rollercoaster and a huge water slide. Great game!!!
  12. Thanks everyone! And I put Ripley as my person on the enlistment application because he is my favorite and I <3 him. Does that mean that I'M the stalker???
  13. 7/10 A little different: I dont know how to post the actual video!
  14. My in-game name is Kaelee.
  15. Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I am a new but soon to be regular playing in your community! My name is Kaelee! I am new to this game but am really enjoying it and cant wait to learn more and be a better player! See you in-game!
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