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Everything posted by Mullaney

  1. Happy birthday!!
  2. I have two!! One was passing my Rifle MOS! Some of you dont know but my eyesight in one eye isnt that great so I had a really hard time seeing people during one of the the testing phases. I ended up giving up the first time I took it. A few seasoned MRB members took the time to encourage me not to give up and took the time to go in the private server and give me lots of tips (besides just adjusting my settings) on how to spot people in certain areas like dark windows and such and I ended up passing with advanced specialization. It was really cool as a new member to see how much people cared about each other in this Unit and I was very proud of myself for not giving up and getting the advanced ribbon and badge! The other one was when I received the Commendation Medal because all my hard work in the staff offices was recognized. And the banner looks awesome!! Winning that contest was a highlight for me as well!
  3. 8:11 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: wtf is that 8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: a creepy ass game 8:12 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you and your scary games 8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: im an fbi agent and there is a serial killer im trying to catch but im stuck in this building with a bunch of drug addicts and im trying to kill them with a pipe 8:12 PM - SSgt. K. Mullaney [1st MRB]: but they jump out at you and its scary 8:12 PM - 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: that's nice, what about the game tho
  4. Great job as always guys! I cant wait to read next months!
  5. This seems like a really great easy way to do something for someone else. Thanks for sharing! Oh and Im from Rhode Island - there are a lot of people that need help here... I applaud your efforts.
  6. I live in an old farm house with REALLY old windows so I get the whole draft thing as well... Luckily, I live in an apartment on the second floor so I get the heat from downstairs and havent had to turn my heat on in two winters... all I do is hang those $5 throw blankets from Walmart in the windows - Im not one for decorating or buying heavy expensive curtains! I really know nothing about what you are asking so I cant help you. Ive always wondered if this would work to heat whatever room you were actively in or what not... just havent gotten around to try it. People say it works... Every once in a while I think about how I would love to just buy a huge piece of land and figure out how to live on it without the world...
  7. Ok so I finally watched these because SOMEONE told me they were funny... I admit I laughed.... a lot.
  8. Happy birthday - sort of! <3
  9. Awesome vid! Good song!
  10. My dad used to do the stab the knife between the fingers thing to us when we were kids... my mom would get so mad haha!
  11. I love documentaries!! That one was pretty interesting...
  12. I like this one!
  13. Yes. Yes you are.... even though I love that song! Ok another one I love but is so totally gay...
  14. Aw Gearhart... You should get this ring...
  15. Gearhart I actually like that song! I would ask if Im gay for listening to this buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I already know the answer haha... This is the opening song to one of my all time fav movies.... and I love singing it!!
  16. Cannon on vent talking about Kirkendall: "He fucked my ass everyday with a knife."
  17. Happy birthday punk! Hope you have a good trip today!
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. That is an intense image...
  20. Freaks and Geeks was such a good show Ripley!! I agree with Sons of Anarchy and Walking Dead... and American Horror Story! Are you watching these shows on Netflix? I think they should put the show Oz on netflix.. that would be awesome. Weeds was pretty good but I stopped watching it after a while... same with Lie To Me - really good at first but got kind of boring.
  21. I still would... but you are right... would be a lot different.
  22. Haopy birthday!!!
  23. Im in Rhode Island if you need me.
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