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Everything posted by Mullaney

  1. Mullaney


    All I can do is laugh, shake my head, and move along... Continuing to post is not really worth it...
  2. Mullaney


    If you dont want to be quoted... maybe you shouldnt post... You do have your right to practice your religious beliefs.... but that doesnt mean I effin have to practice them. Just because you dont believe I should be married to my wife doesnt mean that I shouldnt be allowed to. I dont believe that you should be allowed to tell me what to do based on YOUR religion - yet herein lies the problem. I guess I just dont understand why it makes a difference to you whether or not I am married because as long as YOU arent married to a dude then you are practicing your religious beliefs. And thankfully, I live in a state where I am free and I AM married to a female and I am DAMN PROUD to have an awesome loving amazing wife. Let the intolerance and ignorance continue through the generations... Im not saying that I think kids should be sat down and taught about sex or gay sex or anything like that (or even that being gay is ok if thats not what your religion teaches) but tolerance... that would be nice. Hiding things from a kid (or preaching against something) is what makes them act like ignorant fools later on in life. Sorry if I am argumentative on this one O'Gara but this is directly related to my life and who I am as a person and it pisses me off when people try to tell me how I should live my life based on their beliefs.... The only thing I argue for is tolerance and freedom... I dont give two shits if you like gay people or believe in gay marriage... you have the right to be free and and have your opinions tolerated just as much as I do, I respect your religious beliefs, and I am not going to try and change your mind about them... just dont tell me how I should live my life based on them.
  3. Mullaney


    I usually stay far away from this thread but I just cant let this one go and I would appreciate it if you guys were respectful in your responses. Kansas passed a crazy bill to basically segregate gays.... I seriously... like... wow... Any business having the right to fire or deny service to gay couples? Gay couples not allowed in public parks? I mean sure - you love Jesus and you think homos are horrible fine... But really? If I'm driving through Kansas with my wife and get into a car accident the fucking police and hospitals are just going to be like EH oh well they are gay while I fucking bleed to death? Seriously so stupid.
  4. For all you V-Day lovers! My wife and I dont actually celebrate valentines day because we figured it was two days away from our anniversary and which one really mattered when it comes to money and trying to plan nice things...
  5. I made this CS:S frag video like a year ago and its not that good... maybe Gearhart should teach me how to use this stuff so I can make better ones!
  6. Yay a fun game! Put the video of the song that would be your life's theme song in a movie or something... Mine would be... Haha!! Ok for real a good one for me would be... Feel Good - Hed PE Ok so basically Ive lived my life to do what I want and enjoy myself - DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO comes out of my mouth a lot haha. Occasionally I am a selfish jerk (but I always catch myself and fix it!) but for the most part Im actually a really nice person who would do anything I could for anyone that needed it - I just want to enjoy my life. Now that I am married and I have to take someone else into consideration with everything I do I would say my current theme song is: For me its about having someone who is always by my side no matter what crazy stupid thing I do, someone who is always there for me in a world where people move so frequently in and out of my life, and someone to enjoy life's adventures with. Soooooooooooooo yeah - you guys gimme your life theme songs!! GOGOGO!
  7. Are you referring to the intro? I made that part! Yeah Gearhart told me! That with the visuals he can do with source film maker... it makes me want to teach myself... TEACH... I have made some pretty crappy intros and have done frag videos before but this all looks really awesome.
  8. I laugh at things like this.... and Im sure not many people would enjoy it as much as I do haha.
  9. Hahaha that is SO funny!!!
  10. I sell those spots for 20 bucks.
  11. I changed mine up a bit! I tend to do that every month or so because I get BORED!
  12. Yay! I cant wait until I get there!
  13. I totally played that in school band... yes - I was a band geek, yes - we had band camp, and NO I never did anything weird with my clarinet. Pervs. I love the sound of horns. When they do soundtracks for military movies with the horns and what not it pulls on my heart strings. Im a weird little dork.
  14. about Gearhart...
  15. I can see you doing some really really cool stuff with this once you get it all figured out! I didnt even mind letting you kill me! Let me know if you need my help again! I REALLY love the first graphic. My mind races with artistic visions that I cant carry out so Im counting on you to do good things with this!
  16. LOVE this!!
  17. I think you need another hobby. >.<
  18. Thanks everyone! <3
  19. I went in the server and took care of this.
  20. Dang... thats legit lol...
  21. Happy bday!
  22. Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaay! <3! Martin I threw a party for you - when you gonna be here???
  23. That sounds really scary and Im glad you are ok!
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