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G. Wilson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by G. Wilson

  1. ahh, yeah I was watching some analysis of the trade and they said his play time was dwindling ever since the trade. I think he could be a decent powerplay/ 3rd line playmaker like Leino does for Brier. He has 35 points in 52 games, most of the time playing only 12-20 minutes per game, but 21 of them are assists. He's not so much of a stand alone great player, but needs a few good supporting guys for him to feed. You're right that I bet he just didn't fit in well with the players or system in Toronto, I'm hoping he meshes well on the Carcillo line or maybe we move Zherdev and Versteeg takes his place. To the basis of the deal, I think the Leafs are going to rebuild and they are bulking up on trades to get any young players they believe will help in that.
  2. So how about them Flyers getting Versteeg? Why would Toronto get rid of him? I don't know but I hope he fits well on the winning team
  3. Full Name: Gregory Wilson Age: 20 Location: Reston, Virginia.. shit I mean Calgary, AB Occupation: Student / IT Favorite activity or hobby: Hockey Special talent: Putting things off till the last instant Favorite alcoholic beverage: Rum and coke 3 Favorite movies: 1. Donnie Darko 2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 3. Robinhood: Men in Tights 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Minus the Bear 2. Nick Drake 3. Young the Giant 3 Favorite songs: 1. St. Walker - Young the Giant 2. Excuses - Minus the Bear 3. I Should Have Taken Acid With You - Neon Indian 3 Favorite foods: 1. Rice 2. Ice Cream 3. Lucky Charms
  4. It's ok Parker, at least you're not a bandwagon fan like all those Caps fakes. I can respect that because my team was dead last not too long ago
  5. Why do you suck so much? All i want to do is play DoD:S without occasionally getting 800 ping and having the internet completely cut out whenever someone uses the phone. Is there a reason we pay an absurd amount each month for crappy, unreliable internet coverage? Oh yeah! You're the only ISP in a 200 mile square area. That god 'm going back to school in 2 weeks so that I will have reliable internet and I can stop dropping out of practices. love, Wilson
  6. Happy New Years everyone! Hope no one got the most expensive ride of their life to the hospital
  7. Gets me every time. "Make your ugly cloths even uglier! Rhinestones, rhinestones, fuckin rhinestones! Dear god why?"
  8. To Beat a festive dead horse.. MERRY CHRISTMAS you bums!
  9. Damn right it's about time! Welcome back MSgt.
  10. Touche sir, I've always used the terms heat sink and thermal paste interchangeably refering to the latter but that's a pretty big distinction to be making when you're trying to make a guide. I'll change it asap
  11. Wilson's Guide to Hardware Maintenance This is a basic, general knowledge, guide to the in's and out's of hardware safety and upkeep. Some of the things are very basic, such as running weekly tests, while some should not be attempted unless you have extensive experience working on hardware. Topics Covered: Keeping Your PC HappyExternal Hard DrivesIntro to RaidSpeeding up your PCWhat's That Noise?Changing Heat Sink 1) Keeping Your PC Happy Computers are people too. yeah, you read correctly, computers suffer from the same issues that we do. They suffer from stress brought on from overworking, they get viruses from going out to the local brothel and nailing the most attractive, yet infected, working girl there (a.k.a the internet) without proper protection, and like people, they need regular check ups to get the expected productivity out of them. Here are some tips to keep your PC happy, healthy, and venereal disease free: a) Invest in quality hardware, repairs or upgrades, and up-to-date software. The best way to keep your hardware running smooth is to keep it clean. One mistake people often make is sitting back and not doing anything until...BAM! There's a virus eating your win32 folder and the house is filled with cries of "How did this happen to me?!" Rule #1 in the war agaisnt Malware: PREVENTION IS ALWAYS EASIER THAN CURING Basically, you should keep your hardware and software up to date. One of a cracker's favorite ways to gain entrance into a system is through holes in out of date software security or hardware drivers. Run Tests Every Week See Rule #1 c) Chill Out If you're on the computer for more than a few hours, especially laptops, you are going to want to give your PC some rest. Just like people if you work a computer too hard it will become overly strained and break down. The heat produced by long periods of high CPU activity generate a lot of heat and will wear down on your system so make sure you either take a break every once in a while or have a sufficient cooling system. d) Clear the Fan and Intake Another heat issue. Pretty self explanatory, about once a month you're going to want to clean out your fan or laptops vent. This can be done with a can of compressed air you can pick up from most electronics departments for a few bucks. 2) External Hard Drives Rule# 2: BACK UP YOUR FILES Computers can break down without giving any warning: that includes hard drives. This is why you should always have a backup drive. The easiest, and possibly cheapest, way to do this is by getting an external hard drive. They have an extremely long life because, well, you only use them to access files you put on them and they are an economical alternative to using cd's to back info up. However, if you want greater capacities and better safety from losing data, and are a bit more hardware inclined you can use RAID. Intro to RAID quite simply, RAID can be explained as putting hard drives in parallel sequence. It uses multiple hard drives to either backup or split data as if the drives were one. There are 2 common types of Raid: RAID 0 and RAID 1 RAID 0 Goes through a RAID Controller hard drive and splits the files in half, sending each half to one of 2 storage drives. This decreases the amount of space used and increases performance. However, it can compromise data integrity by separating the file. RAID 0 diagram: RAID 1 simply uses the Controller to copy your files to the physical drives attached. This means that if part of the data in one drive gets corrupted, the other one will automatically step in and be used for the corrupted section. RAID 1 requires twice the memory but has great data integrity. Here is a link to instructions to set up a RAID system. It's a little above beginner so it's recommended to only be done by those who are experienced. 3) Speeding up Your PC Janke and Le have a great section pinned about software things you can do here but I'm going to discuss hardware things in case your issue is just a lame system. Rule #3: RAM IS GOOD RAM acts as a reservoir for information you want to access, the more you can have at you fingertips, ready for access, the less time your PC needs to spend trying to find it. A bigger pale means less time needing to refill. Simple as that. Another quick tip leads us back to the first section: External hard drives. They can clear up space on your internal, giving your system more breathing room. 4) What the Hell is That Noise? Most people if they hear a strange noise just either reboot or ignore it. Please for the love of god don't do this. I can't tell you how many times I'm called and I ask how long it's been doing it and they say "oh, about a week now." Usually when your PC is making strange noises, it's not a good thing. The first thing to do: SEE RULE #2 The second thing is to identify what is making the noise. There are only a few moving parts on a PC so the power supply fan, case fan, or hard drive are usually the major suspects. Replacing the power supply or case fan is no big deal for anyone with a little electrical experience. Just make sure not to make the wrong connection and fry your motherboard. If it is your hard drive, sorry, but it's time for a new one. Average life for a drive is about 3-5 years depending on daily use. Once you get a new one in, transfer all your data and you're golden. 5) Changing Your Thermal Paste You Don't really have a need attempt this unless you mess with your CPU. if you get the paste too thick, CPU will be too insulated and fry. if you get too thin, it won't be insulated enough and fry. if you don't put it on even, there will be a thick or thin spot and it will fry. First off, unless you're changing your CPU out you shouldn't have many reasons to do this but just in case, I'll give you the quick run down. Thermal Paste is that heat conductive paste on top of your CPU in between the chip and the heat sink that keeps it from overheating when it's doing 2 billion calculations per second. Again, it doesn't need to be messed with unless you are messing with your CPU. step 1: take out the guts of the computer to get to the CPU (under the giant fan) Step 2: Gently remove the existing heat sink with a cotton swab Step 3: Apply a layer of thermal paste just thick enough to cover any writing on the chip - This is the most dangerous part, I use a razor blade to get an even coat. Step 4: Wait for the paste to dry and replace all the equipment. There you Have it, A quick general knowledge guide for your hardware. If anyone has any other Hardware related issues they would like to see solved, either PM me or reply to this. I'm going to try to put out a similar small guide every month for a specific topic. PM me with questions and comments.
  12. well you should be careful about just downloading virus checkers as they tend to see eachother as roadblocks and log jam your computer. Secondly, AVG isn't a very effective virus defender as any coder worth his pc will set the virus up to delete itself from AVG's virus recognition directory (if it will even let you run it at all). But short of wiping your HD, I think your best bet is what you've heard so far. Although what I would still be worried about is a Trojan. Anywho, safe mode that bitch and scan the shit out of it. If that doesn't work, try a system restore, if it's still throwing a fit, You might need to delete the partition
  13. I'm actually the same as Yama... only been active for about a year of it though
  14. Well, wrestling definitely helps in the ground game, but it also develops some bad habits for BJJ that are hard to break and easy to take advantage of. And I went to MMA Institute under Rick McCoy before I had to leave for college and couldn't train anymore, but I hope eventually I'll reach Black belt in BJJ because that is where my heart lies really. It's like chess. except you can have your arm broken if you make a mistake. I did some MMA but only helping some other guys train for their bouts since I'm not to into it. and I completely agree with you McKenzie, it's one of my passions
  15. Alright, so as I've found out going to college, the martial arts world has taken off in popularity so I think we should state our opinions, practiced disciplines and ranks if they apply, and even if you abhor martial arts completely. I'll start it off: I'm a blue belt in both Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and Muy Thai and there is only one thing I would rather be doing at any given time than practicing these arts; and that is playing hockey. They challenge me physically and mentally, as well as build a sense of discipline and respect. I think it's great that these arts are becoming more readily available to younger kids.
  16. te amo, Cayen
  17. I hate you guys, you're lucky I love the 1st
  18. G. Wilson


    Wait, have you guys seen who is number 1? Cause I have been busy in the last few weeks and I haven't seen. Also, how's Pittsburgh's win streak going for them? Just wondering
  19. Yeah, I go to Longwood University and he played at Hampton Sydney 5 minutes away. That show was crazy as shit man, I don't do drugs but there was so much ecstasy, anyone who wasn't doin drugs was sloshed, an all around orgy of good times. Seeing as he most likely won't play ever again, I'm glad i didn't miss it
  20. Have a great birthday man, just remember you only get so many so live it up!
  21. G. Wilson

    I'm Alive

    That's right friends, I'm alive. I apologize for the unexplained absence but some things needed to be sorted out. I should have said something, and for not doing so, I feel like a douche. But I'm back for good and I'm ready to give 100% to the 1st MRB. and to be fair, I have no clue how I am anymore seeing as I haven't played in a long ass time. So enjoy the free frags whilst you can.
  22. Touche sir you win this time, but I shall return
  23. I'd think that spam belongs in the slop chute more so than the mess hall
  24. Girl Talk - Still Here
  25. Love of my life? Bearer of my child?
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