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G. Wilson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by G. Wilson

  1. Germany (26) United States (25) Canada (26) Norway (25) Japan (16) Mexico (16) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
  2. Wish I'd done it!! That's awesome! I've roof-hopped around DC hitting up any Georgetown University parties I passed. Needless to say It got harder to jump the gaps after the first few.
  3. Baseball:Dont watch it but I'm from Philly so I'll go with them. also my granda coached Temple baseball for like 40 years. Hockey:Flyers Basketball:Don't like basketball Football:Don't care for any one team
  4. I don't normally watch tv. When i do I watch the history channel, spike, discovery channel, and G4. Engle, did you watch the deadliest warriors today? That goddamn apache, he would have had his ass handed to him. computer lies
  5. France (3) Germany (23) United States (25) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (18) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (25)
  6. France (6) Germany (23) United States (25) Canada (23) Norway (24) Japan (17) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (17) Russia (23)
  7. G. Wilson


    It's a trap!
  8. G. Wilson


    You fuckers got me addicted to pokerstars!
  9. Yama, I've shot the Mauser and the Mosin Nagant and those are 2 of the most accurate, durable guns I've ever seen. I love them! best part: Mosin-Nagants are like $80 a piece b/c they were so mass produced
  10. France (10) Germany (22) United States (24) Canada (21) Norway (23) Japan (18) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (23)
  11. France (11) Germany (22) United States (23) Canada (21) Norway (22) Japan (19) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (23)
  12. I love fall and spring because they're just the right mix of shorts weather and that awesome brisk feeling in fall and in spring, everything just feels more vibrant.
  13. France (14) Germany (22) United States (22) Canada (20) Norway (22) Japan (20) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (21) Down with France!
  14. France (16) Germany (22) United States (22) Canada (20) Norway (22) Japan (20) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (19)
  15. France (19) Germany (20) United States (21) Canada (19) Norway (21) Japan (20) Mexico (20) China (20) Itlay (20) Denmark (20) Russia (19) Long Live Russia!
  16. M1903A4 Springfield is the most accurate gun I have ever shot.. and I've shot a lot of guns
  17. where the hell do I get one of those .22 cal MG's? I would srsly buy one
  18. 1. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark 2. Donnie Darko 3. Monty Python: Quest for the Holy Grail 4. Requiem for a Dream 5. Saving Private Ryan
  19. Hell yeah I'm eating Lucky Charms right now. Best cereal ever
  20. Prove me wrong
  21. I watched the beginning and I have to say up until the part where they start talking and I get completely lost...its freaking awesome
  22. This could easily be the single greatest plot ever pitched
  23. I'm pretty sure I've gained several pounds
  24. Lend me $5 and I'll be game
  25. First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes Yeah I listen to that acoustic hippie stuff
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