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G. Wilson

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by G. Wilson

  1. Ok, so I understand why they give the edge to Lesner...he's 400 pounds and just lays on the other guy and doesnt do anything. I am rooting for Mir all the way, he may not be as strong but he has way better Jiu Jitsu and better striking. Also St. Pierre is gonna win none of the other fights matter
  2. G. Wilson

    Secret World

    Graphics and cinematography aren't the same thing tho. My thought process watching the trailer: -Japanese pop girl opening a door -Lights flicker -shes gonna get merked on -Surprise! she just supersayan punched the shit outta that giant monster that moves slower than my bowels after the local apple fair -What the hell's going on? -whered those markings come from? -Whose gonna pay for that wall? -I'm hungry I could be terribly wrong and the game could be awesome, the Condemned series and Silent Hill were awesome but this looks lack luster and the production company doesnt have a history of good games
  3. So PETA says that you crazy Canadians should not bludgeon hundreds of thousands of seals for delicious seal meats and functionally fashionable winter dress. I say bullocks! If they didn't want to get bludgeoned, they would say so. My question to the many Canadians in our midst is; Do you guys actually use any of the stuff or see it in everyday life? Cause that's a lot of seal pelts
  4. G. Wilson

    Secret World

    I don't think I would ever pay anything for that game based on the sluggish animation and lack luster cinematography alone. Plus I've never been a fan or those sorts of games anyway.
  5. Full Name: Gregory Paul Wilson II Age: 19 Location: Northern Virginia Occupation: Student Favorite activity or hobby: Music Special talent: umm, I play lots of instruments Favorite alcoholic beverage: I can't drink *cough cough*Sky*cough cough* 3 Favorite movies: 1. Pulp Fiction 2. Band of Brothers (I know, not a movie) 3. Anchor Man 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Elliott Smith 2. Jedi Mind Tricks 3. Brand New 3 Favorite songs: 1. The Great Golden Baby - Circa Survive 2. Infinite Horizons - God is an Astronaut 3. The Boy Who Blocked his own Shot - Brand New 3 Favorite foods: 1. Pizza 2. Jamba Juice 3. oranges
  6. G. Wilson


    Going under the knife on thursday so I won't be on the forums for the next few days. Getting the bar removed from my chest. See you guys then.
  7. Germany (35) United States (60) Canada (60) Norway (55) Russia (7)
  8. Germany (35) United States (59) Canada (61) Norway (55) Russia (7)
  9. Germany (34) United States (59) Canada (62) Norway (53) Russia (9)
  10. Germany (34) United States (59) Canada (63) Norway (53) Russia (8)
  11. Germany (34) United States (60) Canada (63) Norway (52) Russia (8)
  12. Germany (34) United States (60) Canada (63) Norway (51) Russia (9) must...save..russia
  13. Germany (33) United States (60) Canada (62) Norway (50) Russia (12)
  14. Germany (33) United States (60) Canada (62) Norway (49) Russia (13)
  15. Germany (32) United States (61) Canada (62) Norway (49) Russia (13)
  16. Germany (31) United States (62) Canada (60) Norway (48) Italy (4) Russia (12)
  17. Germany (27) United States (60) Canada (54) Norway (45) Italy (14) Russia (17)
  18. maybe well make repair robots that can repair themselves. or maaaybeeee the robots will kill us all and establish their own world order: How it'll happen
  19. haha, yeah man I read this and started cracking up about all the media guys getting pissed off at the kid. serves the wiki-scavengers right hell I could get paid to run through wikipedia and look up quotes to use
  20. Blackmore's Revenge - Home Again
  21. Sir, I called it before they began! muahaha, the only one of my predictions that didn't come true was San Jose ( which to be honest I find hilarious)
  22. "You fucked up my kids! They was innocent!" I laughed so hard at that part
  23. Germany (29) United States (29) Canada (30) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (4) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (29)
  24. Germany (30) United States (28) Canada (27) Norway (26) Japan (13) Mexico (9) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (28)
  25. Germany (28) United States (26) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (15) Mexico (14) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (28)
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