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J. Miller 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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J. Miller 1st MRB last won the day on January 14 2023

J. Miller 1st MRB had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About J. Miller 1st MRB

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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Forum Fanatic (50/91)



  1. I was on steam friend list and saw Logue still using his WO tag Miller: Hey Logue Logue: Heya man Miller: I dont want to be your superior yet so change that name, you are Chief now Logue: Congratulations on the promotion man! Oh wait, seriously? Miller: Wait what? You didnt know? hahahahaha Logue: When did that happen lol Miller: Before me Logue: Whaaaat Congrats on your promotion Chief @Logue 1st MRB
  2. I have it already and planning to play it
  3. @Flores 1st MRB Is the best in this subject. He helped me a lot building my pc. He knows to much about it
  4. joke, good job everyone, thanks Flores for hosting. Looking foward to the next one
  5. My internet fked my streak
  6. Easy win, sign me up
  7. Local: "Asado" as we call this in Argentina in any friends house Internacional: Im with Flores in these one. HAMBURGERS!!!
  8. it worked, can you send some good weapons too? lol
  9. I tried downloading allies skin as well and I got an error on Modboy. "Download failed, try again later"
  10. No, I tried all the options the Major said but no luck. My sprays are not working, and not only mine, every spray from everyone is invisible for me
  11. The problem is not with my spray, its with all sprays, my spray and other sprays. I dont see any sprays
  12. Name: John Miller Rank: First Sergeant Type of issue: Day of Defeat Source Brief Description of Issue: So my problem is that I cannot see sprays. I can hear the sound of the spray but I cannot see them idk why ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: *PENDING*
  13. Kobe Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo
  14. BAR Facing 3tePGD or 6th RB
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