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J. Miller 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Miller 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday to the best realism unit ever. We are a family. *Salute*
  2. Nice Wagner, you did good yesterday. Im also playing a lot, we won two in a row yesterday with 1stLt Candy and with Johnson. If anyone wants to duo/squad feel free to text me
  3. Guys, is someone playing this awesome game? I have been playing RS2 for a while now and its so good. There are a lot of units and familiar faces in the game. Servers are always populated and you have those intense games of 64 players. If anyone wants to play just text me or if you want to know something about the game too. Is fantastic and its 100% worth the buy.
  4. This game is awesome. Im actually playing a lot and getting top 10 in almost every game. I already won 33 games (I have them listed by dates xD). The game is so good and its still being modified. I cant imagine how good is gonna be in the alpha. They are planning on doing a night mode, imagine that. Really good game and I recommend 100% buying this game at this price because when it comes full it will be $60 for sure.
  5. You can kill deers, but you cant kill GySgt. J. Miller
  6. Happy Birthday Sir! Thanks for everything!
  7. Its not that hard. I have won all AC series and this was not the most difficult one
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Name: adipos47 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:164507861 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing in spawn with sniper. Kicked and joined again doing the same thing. Recommended duration of ban: 3 days Demo Provided?: N. Pvt. D. Smith and TSgt. R. Gilmore were present. He has several bans in other servers.
  10. Yep, I cant log in into steam. I think is not working.
  11. Yes, I play the 1. I like it more than the 2
  12. I think the only thing I miss from the other one is the "Roster" link that was near Enlist. Apart from that everything is perfect and im getting used to it.
  13. Sounds good. I will be your pilot.
  14. hahaha. Look, right now im flying 2 hrs for week. Its a really expensive career. Im doing 2 hours on Fridays mornings so I have a long way to go.
  15. You need just hours of flying. In Argentina to become a Comercial Pilot you need 200 hrs. After that you can start working with differents jobs but to be in an Airline you need aprox 800hrs or more. Its difficult hahaha.
  16. There you go Brown, sory for the size. The one in black T-Shirt is me with my Private Pilot License and the plane is the one I used in my training a Cessna 150
  17. This is the plane im flying right now. I have 31 hrs since im a Private Pilot. Thats me and my gf. The plane is a Pipper Aircraft 11 with Tundra wheels. Its awesome
  18. Thank you a lot 2ndLt. Is now working really good !
  19. But I never deleted something or touched any file of the support. I just only deleted the allie sniper.
  20. The allie one for sure, today I played one map on the pub and with the Allie support my weap. was invisible hahaha. Do I have any solution?
  21. I think both Griswold
  22. Name: John Miller Rank: Sergeant Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Steam / DoDS Brief Description of Issue: Sory that im here again. It was all running perfect. I deleted the files that 2ndLt. J. Griswold told me and it was perfect, the allie sniper was back. But now I have another problem. When I want to use the support class my weapon is not on the screen. It only happens with the support, the other weapons are perfect, but when I use the support I have no weapon, just the crosshair. (Remember that I need lots of details cause im really bad at this). Sory to be here again. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status:Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  23. Its fixed Sir. Thank you a lot for your patience.
  24. Name: John Miller Rank: Sergeant Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Steam / DoDS Brief Description of Issue: I downloaded 2ndLt. Griswold pack from the ordenance office. Is all running perfect but I only want the allie sniper skin back. The model and the sound. Im really really bad at these things so if you can give me lots of details to me to resolve this It will be really nice haha. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
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