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J. Miller 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by J. Miller 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Stone!!
  2. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with his passion for eating rather large portions of other animals and insects. People who think this is weird were shot down, then Quarterman inserted copious amounts of herpes infected semen. Hill tried to stop Quarterman's madness, but alas Hill fondled a nice big breast instead. But Maple wasn't ready for candy to tell him you are the Dovakhinn, Maple must lather his nipples before a sniper battle with another chap named Cannon. Cannon was born, rifle in hand, in a cabin like every Canadian. Quarterman grew hard althought he was
  3. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with his passion for eating rather large portions of other animals and insects. People who think this is weird were shot down, then Quarterman inserted copious amounts of herpes infected semen. Hill tried to stop Quarterman's madness, but alas Hill fondled a nice big breast instead. But Maple wasn't ready for candy to tell him you are the Dovakhinn, Maple must lather his nipples before a sniper battle with another chap named Cannon. Cannon was born
  4. Nice job everyone! Keep it up! I always have a really good time reading the news!
  5. Wow, the arrow! Love that plane hahaha. Im now going to adapt to a plane called Petrel 921i. Is created here in Argentina and its awesome.
  6. So guys, yesterday I aproved the exams to be a Private Pilot, so yes. I am a Private Pilot !!!!!!!!!!! I started my career at 17, now I am 19 and I want to be flying for an Airline, is my dream. I worked so hard to reach this and now im really happy. Im flying at the moment a Cessna 150, I love it. I wanted to share all this with you guys, the best unit in the world, my friends, part of me hahaha. Me with the plane Me with the new Private Pilot Licence
  7. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  8. Happy Birthday Parker!!
  9. Happy Birthday !!!!!!!
  10. Interesting.... I would like to have SSgt. S. Hill to snipe them out, 2ndLt. Griswold as my team leader and 1stSgt J. Candy to give us tips on how to survive. I would not like to have in my group a BAR Member, Hostage, because I hate him (Joke Hostage you are awesome).
  11. Great job everyone!!! Its a really good one.
  12. Muay thai is the best in my opinion. MMA is also really good mixing lots of different styles of combats.
  13. Happy birthday Sir! Hope you enjoy this day!
  14. Happy birthday !!!!!! Hope you have a really good day!
  15. So guys, here in Argentina, today we celebrate the friends day. So I want to say to everyone here Happy Friends day !!!!! Today is a day where everyone hangs out with friends to spend some really good time. Im going to a bar tonight hahaaha. Well, thats all, happy friends day! :D
  16. Happy Birthday Stone !!! Enjoy it a lot !!
  17. Happy Birthday Candy !!!
  18. I bought RO2 like 3 days before and now the games brings the Rising Storm multiplayer but you can only use Rifleman. Is a really good game. I love it
  19. Happy Birthday!!!!
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