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G. Williams

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by G. Williams

  1. Name: Johnny K. MARMOK Steam I.D: U:1:1265925391 U:1:1170758117 respectivly Reasons for the Ban: Team killing - Johnny K was also doing some horrific mic spamming - told other player how they could mute him for themselves, but did lead to some team killing from his teammates Recommended duration of ban: at your discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N Screenshot, sorry no full demo
  2. Hi "rrrudic" [U:1:1053205884] rampant team killing. Cheers, Beralic
  3. On now, lots of team killing accross maps: "2146450558" [U:1:1116267168]
  4. Ah thanks! I had to run off shortly after taking that shot.
  5. Name: Shrekmaster420 Steam I.D: U:1:296852587 / STEAM_0:1:148426293 Reasons for the Ban: Lots of team killing, on top of which extremely annoying mic spam Recommended duration of ban: At your discresion Demo Provided?: Y/N screenshot attached
  6. Name: *****48300 Steam I.D: U:1:488908280 / STEAM_0:0:244454140 Reasons for the Ban: lots and lots of team killing including mowing down own team in spawn with MG, you know, the usual Recommended duration of ban: at your discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N No sorry I took a bit long miss-typing status to get his ID and did not get my normal screenshot of him before he fled, was at -14 at the time, few other regulars on at the time including, Migrating Coconut.
  7. Name: Pitufo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:3956231 / U:1:7912463 Reasons for the Ban: Extreme team killing, did not manage to record a demo but screen shot attached... he got to -26 before leaving Recommended duration of ban: at discretion, imo he is not someone who would come back and be nice... Demo Provided?: Y/N Screenshot attached
  8. Name: Ripley Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3119735 / U:1:6239470 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple team kills - see attached Recommended duration of ban: at you discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N see attached Edit: he got to - 48 on that map and to -15 on the following one, Muppet Puncher got him in the end
  9. Name: Captain Cat kek Rootie 'shellshock rat Steam I.D: U:1:389511849 / STEAM_0:1:194755924 U:1:49900029 / STEAM_0:1:24950014 U:1:158741119 / STEAM_0:1:79370559 respectively Reasons for the Ban: Huge ammounts of team killing, mg's mowing down own team in spawn etc. Recommended duration of ban: at your discretion, I believe at least some have been banned already (it took me ages to remember my forum login!) posting this with screenshot as evidence... Demo Provided?: Y/N Screenshots attached
  10. So I have been noticing higher than usual "randomness" in registry etc on the server, been making me whinge about it. Finally got round to running pingplotter. I get a sea of red! The 1st attached image is early in the day (UK) server pretty empty so pretty low load everywhere I guess, and its not too bad. Second image was 7pm UK time on full server, loads of packet loss etc, I assume there is not a huge amount I can do about this? There is some loss on the 1st hope so going to see if there is a firmware update for my cable router but the biggest issue is the choopa hop. (traceplotting other places such as google.com gave the expected result of very low ping and no loss) edit: 7:30 for half an hour server is full but I'm not playing - 4th image - consistent 80% packet loss on hop 9 :s note 2.5s trace interval vs 1s for earlier images. I'm on a Virgin Media 120Mb/s connection (3rd image) so bandwidth should definitely not be a problem. Cheers, Williams
  11. Name: PFC - HEFNER Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:20181158 Reasons for the Ban: This is mainly for info but just using the ban request form. A ban is up to the outcome of review of the attached demo, several people noticed suspicious play from PFC - HEFNER today including myself, PFC Kanganis, and SSgt Brualt amongst other pubbers. WO Gearhart came on to observe but it appears that he noticed the spectators and switched off whatever he was using (score on map in demo ended at something like 50:10 with the assault at 66% headshots, next map 4:20). http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/175573 Player was getting headshots in a couple of rounds with the assault across the map but otherwise did not act like an experience dod player. Appologies for some "player flicking" during the demo, at one point I managed to miss that he had jumped to spec (the point the "hack" appears to be turned off) and there is a lot of me searching for him! Recommended duration of ban: at your discretion Demo Provided?: Y hefner.zip
  12. lol True that Candy, just felt I might have been worse lately, maybe all in my head, anyways, thanks
  13. Hi all, I was not sure where to put this, feel free to move it is here is not approraite / its not approprate in general! I just wanted to post this to apologise if I have been a bit "ragey" on the server lately. Noone has said anything but have "felt" some sighs on vent etc :s Real life being a bit of a stressfull uncertain mistress at the moment and some of that may have perpertrated into my gaming, its no escuse but hey ho. I do love to call out where people are and things, which I see as more of a help to my team etc, but have lately been a bit overly liberal with the whole "spray pray" and "camping so and so" in a not so joking way, and trying to get people to play a certain way, winging about hit registries etc etc which is not so cool and is no doubt getting tiresome for some. So will try to cut it out, probably use my mic less in general, just wanted to say sorry if I had been anoying anyone over the last few months! I love playing on the server, see you all serverside! Cheers, Williams aka Dr. Beralic
  14. As has been said, this "problem" has been known about for years, all the backbone of the internet has been capable of using IPv6 for quite a while now, along with routers etc supplied by ISPs so most people should never notice the change. Also yes, a lot of IPv4 address are currently allocated but not used, for example the UK government is selling millions of them (why they thought they would need 16 million who knows!), for quite a profit, so yes IPv4 addresses may not run out, but they may get quite expensive as large bodies that currently have them realise they can make a sizeable profit selling them... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-32826353
  15. I have to apologise to SSgt. W. Wanner: on Thursday 21st May a name changing player who was also aimboting was banned, I thought I had a demo of said incident which I told SSgt. Wanner I had, but it looks like I managed to start it just as he got banned so there is nothing on it... There were many witnesses on the server at the time his stats page is : http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/174344 showing all the people he impersonated and a 16:0 KD (which is possible without hacking, however 88% head shots overall and 100% headshots per kill with the BAR...) Please find attached a demo relating to the to player "Antrax c.V": http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/174343 who I was recording just prior to this, unfortunately this demo does not play for me (it crashes dod) and is rather short but if someone can get it to play I think it shows evidence of Antrax using an aimbot and may have caught m8 aswel... I'm not sure if any action was taken against Antrax or if there should be Sorry for being less useful than I had hoped, and that this is not in a "Form" format. B antrrax.zip
  16. Hi, The server is lagging a lot for everyone for the last half hour (since I joined). Maybe needs a restart, not sure if anything else can be done. Cheers, B
  17. I would like to report the player: Mr Small Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:112930841 This player was making a suspicious number of headshots with the MP40 (100% headshots from his stats: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/170705) at least one player complained about him on the server at the time (who I ironically told not to accuse people of hacking). I took a demo, the only reason I am not putting this as a ban request is that the demo is pretty short, the one I took on the previous map appears to be corrupt and crashes DOD when I try and review it. Though I think the demo shows proof, the accusation of hacking is a serious one, and I would rather this was just taken as a "look out for this guy" and as a record he has been spotted being suspicious (if you agree he is) before. He is unable to use the rifle very effectively (start of the demo) upon switching to the assault (around 1:50) he headshots everyone near instantly as he sees them. The demo is attached, in a .zip containing the .dem file created by the "record" command in DOD as .dem is not an allowed upload type on the forum, for you to decide either way. Hope this is approriate Williams (aka Beralic) small1.zip
  18. Name: "Shotgun Messiah" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9462471 Reasons for the Ban: Rediculous number of team kills, could not find an admin on-line, pfc C. Britton on the server at the time. Recommended duration of ban: at you discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N see attached pic, was -50 at time and counting, speaks for itself ignored warnings from pub and BAR members, server emptying due to his behaviour.
  19. Name: Many, changed inc. Private Ryan, AmericanSlayer etc Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:88013505 Reasons for the Ban: Lots of team killing, see screenshot Recommended duration of ban: at your discretion Demo Provided?: Y/N screenshot attached, speaks for itself, he is the one with a score of -43 and counting at time it was taken EDIT: SSgt. C. Wilson came on to the server shortly after I posted this and removed the offending player, did not catch for how long EDIT2: (sigh) he came back with a second account # 312 "SWEDE KILLING USA" STEAM_0:0:88861368 # same voice and team killed again, left before I got screen shot as was getting his steam ID...
  20. Just to note I passed on this guys Steam ID to SgtMaj. P. Jankovski who popped onto the server, Soupe a l oignon returned and was banned (can't remember duration) by Jankovski
  21. heh no worries, I think I was just killing Heresy too much
  22. Ah sorry Sir did not find that post before! Cheers, B
  23. Just a heads up for those that don't know about this little tool and spend ages trying to fix a seemingly random high ping if you type "tracert" into a terminal/command promt (type cmd in the search bar in the start menu on windows) followed by a URL / IP address it will trace the route from your house to that address and all the hops along the way. For example tracert will trace your route to the 1st MRB DoD:S server, note each step shows the total time to get to that point including all previous points. Over the last week or so I have been having high pings in the evening and this appears to be due to a dodgy link between London and New-York atm - see the attached image showing my trace done just now. I was on the server and my ping went from its usual ~100 to 800 and I noticed at least one other players did too, they were probably on the same route. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about this but hope things get fixed. Its happened quite a few times now over the last week or so so there is some load issue going on on some net hub switch which is not great, but hopefully they will fix it! There is nothing you can do to your pc config that will affect this. The issue currently seems to pop up for about 10 mins at a time then go away again, though has been coming up several times a night
  24. Thank you Kirkendall.
  25. Hi there, would like to request action to be taken against player "sano" Name : "Sano" Steam I.D : STEAM_0:1:79053919 Reason for the Ban : Multiple tks all deliberate and most in spawn, went on for a map and continued over map change, caused the server to go into chaos with others joining in team killing spree starting as revenges and then just shooting everyone. No admins on or around on my friends list (Tried to contact SSgt. T. Heresy and TSgt. J. Candy) so could not get dealt with at time, I tried myself to calm situation to no avail. Tried to warn others about revenge team killing but also to no avail. Other offenders were namely: "|†.EnD.†!| Hitman Thiago" STEAM_0:1:21584622 and "pip.sta" STEAM_0:0:14839646 32:44 though there were others. It was Sano that started it all. Afraid my only "proof" is the attached screen shots but I think they speak for themselves. These players caused the server to empty in the space of a map from ~10v10 at the frustration of all the other players on the server who were trying to fill it. Recommended Duration of Ban: At your discretion Thank you, Beralic
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