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Duckers 1st MRB

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Duckers 1st MRB last won the day on April 21 2022

Duckers 1st MRB had the most liked content!

About Duckers 1st MRB

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nijmegen The Netherlands

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Mauser Karbiner 98k

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Forum Expert (34/91)




Community Answers

  1. aaaaaahaahhh, makes sense, thanks!
  2. Medical discrimination is a big problem indeed, but I don't see what it has to do whit this topic. Probably me not understanding, could you explain?
  3. Just to debunk the idea that the Governor would do as MacArthur said: "A W. VA or VA governor made statements a whie back to the effect of being in favor of with holding care of a newborn if the mother decides she doesnt want the baby." This is simply false and stams from a non complete interview that VOX news aired. Linked you guys a article if you want to know why it is a untrue statement. So in my opinion there is no use in debating a nonexisting problem. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-virginia-gov-abortion-idUSKBN27D2HL
  4. @Grechenko 1st MRBAny updates or time to contact me/someone? Otherwise we can't help you!
  5. Shoot me a massage when you have the time.
  6. Good read in the morning. Put down the paper for this!
  7. Just spoke to Anderson and it is fixed. I did a clean instal of the game and that fixed it!
  8. Should be fixed if not plz get back to me. Solutions: We did a clean install since we could not figure out what mod in what map/modpack was broken.
  9. Add me to your friendslist, so we can look for a time and place to fix this!
  10. Call me into discord whit you when you find the time! Lots of people been having the same problem. Does your console give you anything wierd? If so could you post it or tell me?
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