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Duckers 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by Duckers 1st MRB

  1. Very nice!
  2. I was thinking, what maps whould you like?
  3. Well since this Corona-crisis doesn't seem to end. We need to stick together and have fun in other ways. So the event staff and myself got thinking what keeps people of the streets and safely behind their desks? PUBLIC REALISMS. So next Saturday, July 4th at 7pm EST the first event of many will go live and I need you all to join me to make it work for both us as "experienced" unit members and the little cups that we call pubbers! Invite all your friends and family to come and join us. So once again put it in your agenda next Saturday, July 4th, 7pm EST both pubbers and unit members gonna have a blast of a time!
  4. Could you share it, or is that not possible?
  5. What sound pack are you using? I like it
  6. eeuh 6th Support AVA or Rifle AVA
  7. Allies Beter question K98 of M1 Garand?
  8. Congrats SSgt. M. Paul!!! you're the winner of this month!!
  9. Just a few more days left to vote!!!
  10. Name: Womb Raider Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:51441532 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Came in calling us all the N-word and procceded to insult the unit and than started teamkilling in spawn. Demo Provided?: No Comments:
  11. New York? Because in my opinion there is no other!
  12. There is still 2 weeks left, come and vote!
  13. And this is al for fun, if you want a witch to burn go and get Carol Baskin!
  14. I think this is something we have been missing in times like these! Vote for who you think is the one and only winner of the 1stMRB Ru-Tard of this month! (Just noticed that I misspelled representative, So I win)
  15. Well i took this test like 5 times now and i'm still a Debater type ENTP-A / ENTP-T. I can say that it is very accurate.
  16. Well kinda looks like how i vote! But then again I'm Dutch, would say that in the Netherlands I would be more of a social democrat since our centre lies way to the left. But still informative quiz
  17. Extrovert History or Biology
  18. Well got time today so gues who will be there
  19. I Send a message to the first 5 to respond and will try to get a date that will work for all of us. If it workes and go over smoot i will see if there are peeps who want to do a campaing. so sorry for evryone who responded after Kannon. I will do this one off whit the first feew guys. And will see how it will turn out. Than after the first try i will see who wants to do a campaign and ad a max of 6 players because i think that is the max i can handel. Further info for the players i m planning on using 5e sinds it makes combat eassier and allows me to make it fun for more players. I got PDFs of the playerhandbook that i can share whit u guys. When i get your availebility I can get to work on making the oneoff. If it is fun I would like to make it a monthly thing. If not well.... ps. here is the planning website for when you missed the message!!! https://doodle.com/poll/ia7pni7rgspizx2p ( it is probably gonna be a saturday)
  20. Well sinds there is a lot of reponds allready i m gonna try to get a date were i can get you all together. and no you dont need anything sinds the site has the dice, maps and figurines builed in. The playerbooks well i got a PDF off them and will send them to the peeps who want to play.
  21. Well sinds you guys are just like me I think you would like Dungeons and Dragons. Whit this site called roll20 you can play whit peeps on the other side of the world. So here is the question is there anyone who would be intrested in a D&D oneshot whit me as GM? you dont need any experiance playing i can and want to teach you since i want more peeps to get into this amazing hobby! So if you want to play answer and i will get a time that will work for all of us. If you have any questions you can allways contact me!!! I hope to get this started because i m full of ideas!
  22. The original America 1st the Nederlands 2nd was Dutch so fack you coppycat Sweeds.
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