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Duckers 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Duckers 1st MRB

  1. WO. A. Reis sitting alone in the Drill Instructer Channel I hop in and ask if he is doing BCT's He responds whit NO it is 3rd platoon practice. I m like Reis it is Saturday.
  2. those are hills not mountens.
  3. Name: MeowingFluffytons Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:75694400 Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Vulgair language Demo Provided?: N Comments: Tolled a pubber to go kill her own babies. Name: SexyRobloxBoy123 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:190880123 Duration of Ban: 1 Week Reasons for the Ban: Mic spam Demo Provided?: N Comments: Sex Noices
  4. Name: Zino Duckers Rank: GySgt Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: I cant open up Ventrillo it is stuck in Synchrinizing. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  5. It should be checked on. I checked it off and my names went away as well.
  6. 232 was mine.
  7. Looks cool brother.
  8. I would vote left just to be sure that the normal man gets what he needs. And the guys on top well they can take care of themselfs pritty good i figure.
  9. In this case is do not agree whit you Boone since if I had to vote I would Have to vote for 2 peeps I dont beleef in.
  10. Well vote Hillary she is the lesser of the to evils. There is a thing here in Holland that to make a vote final you need at least 40% turnupp. So if there is something like that in the USA I would Just not vote at al.
  11. Name: Shout Steam I.D: U:1:160005717 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N Comments: Blatant hacking GySgt. Gougeon and Wully Wonka can confirm.
  12. Name: Shout Steam I.D: U:1:160005717 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N Comments: Blatant hacking GySgt. Gougeon and Wully Wonka can confirm.
  13. will addit it in tomorow oke since i was bussy whit my exams sorry.

  14. I m up for it for sure.
  15. Funny thing is that is allmost the same built that i m using, 750 watt powersupply shout be enough. i m using a 500 watt powersupply and it is running fine. And the last thing that i wanna say is that that grappic card makes a hell of a lot of noise when it is getting warm, but thats the only downsite that i can find whit this build. I don't know if i missed anything so feel free to add things if you see them guys.
  16. Server has been lagging for the last 1/2 hour.
  17. I have never backed a kickstarter before but is there no option to back whit IDEAL since i don t own any of the cards??
  18. Happy Birthday!!!!!
  19. Waaaw looks sweet.
  20. It was Candy and Willow who recruted me and Cannon who kind of did the the opposite and then the factor of age was a big deal so YEEEER.
  21. Try clearing your cache file works for all kind of problems on my end.
  22. Wanna have that in my back yard a nice chill place to read a good book.
  23. I m stupppid i fixed it so will clos it out myself.
  24. Name: Zino Duckers Rank:Sgt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software/Steam Brief Description of Issue: I played a 6 hour sesion of Civ5 and today i wanna continue but evry time i click on the Load Game option the game craches. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
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