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Nielsen 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by Nielsen 1st MRB

  1. Name:iscerealsoup Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:537106267 Reasons for the Ban: Tk Recommended duration of ban:Permbane 08/02-2024 Demo Provided?: Y/N N
  2. new office chair:)) can wait get setup
  3. that look fun maby:) just to many game to go runde
  4. omg i juat deleted bf3 didt thing any playe it so:(( cant fine any server all bf4
  5. Happy Birthday
  6. thx for the help:)
  7. i still haven`t be place in unit yet, realy like to know where i am goin to be!,,,,,i can give hande in command staff if need it but i am to lov rank to appalye for any off em
  8. !!!
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. i playe lol to but on eu server vigga
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