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  1. I accident punch but one time. IT WAS BUT ONE PUNCH! not even 20 damage. I said sorie and he said ok. But when man teamkill me he get only kick. Dont want to offense you but it this because Portuguese?
  2. I can try to say this use translate google. Keep in your mind that I did no ever even one time team damage one other player. Some man say that I did damage him when it is false. Kirk goes spectate team and watch me. I never once damage other players. Ten minutes later I am running and hit someone in accident. I say sorry and man says it is okay. I am ban for accident hit someone once. I was in full run and punching for fun and man spawns in front of me when it happen. I am sorry. Please make great justice as the American saying.
  3. Name:Biggler Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:30002159 Date & Time of ban: 11/4/2013 1:00 AM Admin who banned you:Kirk Excuse for the Unban: Some man say I hurt him. I do not do this. Kirk goes spectator. 10 min later I am running, punching. I hit someone in accident but one time. I say sorie in chat. I have screenshot of me say sory over mic. He say it okay over voice. Admin never say it is bad to shot MG gun in corners for fun. I am play with friend. Sorry bad at english. Just want to play game. I only punch one time by accident and I am ban. THis is 10 min after man lies about me Team Wound. Ban for accident hitting is not okay. Please make justice. Please dont hate because bad at language. Thank you.
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