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    STG44 (Sturmgewehr)

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  1. Happy hockey day!!!
  2. One of my peeps told me that Yeo might be fired if the Wild don't beat the Sabers tonight. Absolutely no excuse for the way this team was built. If that were to happen then Darby would be interim and I know that won't be any better, but this team needs a shake up and fast if they're to make the playoffs (PLAYOFFFFFS!?!?!?!?). Oh well, just another shitty, under performing Minnesota team, at least there are the Gopher's, just don't get me started on that bowl game. Haven't been on the server or the boards in a while, so, hello Major and Poole.
  3. I have it, but sometimes mods (mine is from mod db) do not have compatibility with Steam versions (aka Republic at War mod for Empire at War). I know I've had to jimmy rig EF to work sometimes.
  4. I've watched Youtube videos of the Waterloo mod/expansion for line infantry with guild units running around. Entertaining to say the least, but no do not have.
  5. I used to have HoI2 and Victoria II and played them LAN with some friends which were fun. EU3 and CK2 can sometimes be a pain to connect with the Metaserver. I really enjoy Paradox games.
  6. I have all of the CoH games on Steam and someone made an Eastern Front mod for the first game which is really good. Played the CoH2 free beta, but have not played the whole game.
  7. SWTOR is better than average, good content and most of the story arc's are really good. I occasionally play, if only the OTP would come on time.
  8. This is one of my favorite games. I think I have all the major DLC's. The 867 start is insane. Paradox does a pretty damn good job IMO.
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