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K. Reyes

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Everything posted by K. Reyes

  1. hmm ok, i should try to finish it
  2. hmm i dont play many sports games, Im for of an action fan. I have Assassins Creed Brotherhood on steam its a very good stress reliever lol.
  3. ok i'll look into it then.
  4. i havent played my ps3 in awhile i wanna get back into it. Anyone play any ps3 games ? Wich ones ? I spend most of my time playong CoD MW2 and 3 and also BO( i also have Black Ops on steam) And also GTA V.
  5. She's 100% APBT. AKC registered. She looks big from that angle but she's only 55lbs. I don't worry about other people because I know my dog. She doesn't leave my side, and most people cross the street when they see her. oh cool. My pits not far behind, She's around 40 lbs.She still has alot of things to learn but ive noticed she's to starting realize who the pack leaders are( They look at you with there ears back) You know i think its funny how most people are so scared of pitbulls. I was at the dog park just about to head into the gated area, And a lady saw our pitbull and rushed her dog out of the dog park( She had her reasons though, Another pitbull went after her dog). Bugged the hell out of me . Also ive seen a bull terrier at the dog park and some people believe those dogs are worse then pitbulls. i was able to pet it with no problems.
  6. Alright thank you. I think its fine its not that big or wide. 265 width and 200 height on photobucket.
  7. Found an image with photobucket, Added my clan name(left the rank out so i wouldnt have to keep changing it) and resized it. If you have any concerns let me know. Im restricted from going to Quartermasters office as im a new recruit. I was told to go there for this stuff.
  8. Beautiful dog ! I especially love the ears. Whats your dog mixed with ? Pure breds don't get that big. We never let our dogs off leash especially in public(not counting dog parks) You may trust your dog and that's a good thing, The thing is you cant trust other people. With everyone bashing pitbulls > you'll never know what could happen. My pitbull likes to rough house. She's wrestled with dogs twice her size. Came home one night from the dog park and found out she had a cut on her lip and front left under arm.
  9. Ha i may be the clans punching bag now but ill get better. Besides its no fun just running around.
  10. Here's my 2 dogs, A Pitbull and Shiba inu mix. People that say pitbulls are aggressive have never been around them or they believe everything on the news. Like any other dog if they are raised right they can be really great dogs. I've been around a dozen off leash pitbulls and I've never been attacked once( i also have a friend that owns two). We've had our pitbull for months, She's twice as big as my other dog and they do great together even though my Shiba Inu mix is a little territorial. I'm starting to think my pitbull is half chicken cause when an airplane fly's over our house she runs inside and hides while my Shiba inu mix barks like crazy at the airplane
  11. Maybe cause your weak on top ? lol
  12. ah ok
  13. Lol dont think i get that one after a google search.
  14. a bigger hard drive and video card is always a good thing. My computer crashed months ago and I got a new laptop for Christmas with a 700 gig hard drive and upgraded video card.
  15. What I think is our soldiers need to be pulled out of Iraq and sent back home so they can protect and love the ones that need it most, Our side of the war ended when the 2 guys behind 9/11( may those involved R.I.P) were killed. I understand that's a messed up country but our soldiers have done enough.
  16. Thank you for the reply. And I well download Vent. Best way to get my name out there. I have Company Of Heroes but never play it, I also have L4D2(as a matter of fact I used to do script modding for l4d2 but its been so long ive forgotten how) I also have all Counter Strike games as im positive some1 here atleast plays 1 of them. And im still having the scrolling issue. I left it running for a half hour while I went afk and came back and saw the website page had crashed and nothing has changed.
  17. Just joined the server last night and I enjoyed it(under the name KillTech, This is an old account). I also really enjoy games like DoD:S cause im a marines fan. I've been playing games online for years. I have a working mic. And about that I had some complaints .last night saying my mic was annoying(didn't relize my tv was causing background noise disturbance) so ill try not to do that again in game. I'm a 25 year old male. I also play some of the CoD games on ps3. I am a dark blood and gore fan. Im using TeamSpeak atm to talk with people from a different game but I guess I can get Vent too. It is free anyway. Also im having this issue on the forums page that jumps me to the top of the page when I try to scroll down. I think its in a loading loop.
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