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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Heresy 1st MRB

  • Birthday 02/03/1978

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  1. That was cool but it was disappointing because: 1. Jimmy did not ask him about the game box picture and what the hell is going on with Pierce's mouth! 2. There was no trolling with proximity mines!
  2. This one may have gotten over looked but I believe that kwazzimotoe deserves a perm ban. No enemy kills, just team kills and deaths. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...sessions/149951
  3. Name: kwazzimotoe Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9638318 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: This wonderful person has been banned 4 times now for team killing. Recommend a permanent ban. http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...toe&Submit=
  4. Are you using the looping function by mistake instead of the general record? Purple I think is the looping, where as red is the straight record.
  5. For Fraps I have my video capture settings at 30 fps and at half size. Please could you try that?
  6. I say have nade dispensers like we have on Camp Pendleton on the top areas of the map!
  7. Happy Birthday to you Captain, Sir!
  8. Do you have anything saved in Firefox? Could you try it with that browser? Regardless of the browser you can save favorites and data off. Save Firefox favorites/bookmarks: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export...kup-or-transfer Save Chrome favorites/bookmarks: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/96816?hl=en Also if you sign in with a Google account in Chrome it will save your favorites and "should" save your form data as swell to the cloud: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/165139?hl=en
  9. The best IMO is 1:12 to 1:32 where he stares, smiles, and then does barrel roll.... like a boss.
  10. I thought it was a refreshing take on how we really think as animals
  11. It is a sad thing. We cannot forget that no one is immune to these kind of things.
  12. Maybe uninstall Chrome and Flash, then reinstall both?
  13. Yep, sorry, missed that you mentioned the nuclear option before
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