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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. I have been listing my Steam game coupons that I have in the forum post below, but I wanted to make a separate one here to make sure people saw it. The coupons are only valid for a limited time and I would like give them away to my friends rather than seeing them expire. Please let me know if you want any. Here is the post with the game coupon list: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...st&p=188097
  2. I have updated my game coupon list as well if anyone wants one: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...st&p=188097
  3. Hey Marsden, send me a Steam message and I can help you. Looking at your Steam XP you are very close to going to the next Steam level which will get you 5 more friend slots. In your inventory you have a decent number of cards and you also have a booster pack for DoD:S which you can unpack to see what 3 cards you get. If you are missing a few I can help get the rest for you to get you to that higher Steam level by crafting a badge.
  4. If it is not already taken I will take a copy please
  5. Coupon sent to you Wells and I have also added on some more coupons!
  6. I received these coupons after crafting some badges. If anyone is interested in any of these please let me know and I will send them as a gift: My coupon inventory can be viewed here as well: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iamheresy/inventory/#753_3 75% off on the title The Culling Of The Cows. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 10:53:01 AM) 50% off on the title Zigfrak. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 12:56:43 PM) 50% off on the title LYNE. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 12:57:45 PM) 75% off on the title Titan Attacks. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 1:00:42 PM) 75% off on the title Costume Quest. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 3:57:31 PM) 66% off on the title White Noise Online. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:00:07 PM) 75% off on the title Enclave. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:25:02 PM) 33% off on the title Yet Another Zombie Defense. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:25:23 PM) 50% off on the title Paranormal. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:39:01 PM) 75% off on the title Two Worlds II Castle Defense. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:51:02 PM) 33% off on the title POSTAL 2. (Valid until 8/11/2014, 12:06:02 AM) 75% off on the title Trapped Dead. (Valid until 8/11/2014 1:25:06 AM) 50% off on the title LIMBO. (Valid until 8/11/2014 1:25:28 AM) 25% off on the title Zeno Clash 2. (Valid until 8/11/2014 11:05:26 AM) 50% off on the title Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:04:54 PM) 33% off on the title Nuclear Throne. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:05:19 PM) 75% off on the title Blast Em!. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:22:20 PM) 90% off on the title Faerie Solitaire. (Valid until 8/11/2014, 8:32:51 PM) 33% off on the title Slam Bolt Scrappers. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 2:58:35 AM) 90% off on the title Serious Sam 3: BFE. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:00:12 AM) 50% off on the title Escape Goat. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:01:16 AM) 75% off on the title Titan Attacks. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:02:03 AM) 33% off on the title Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:03:03 AM) 33% off on the title Redshirt. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:04:13 AM) 33% off on the title Dead Horde. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:06:01 AM) 50% off on the title Larva Mortus. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:08:07 AM) 33% off on the title Dead Horde. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:09:59 AM) 75% off on the title Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:11:03 AM) 33% off on the title 140. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:12:17 AM)
  7. WTF! No option for just coffee?!
  8. Voted.... It is your civic MRB duty!
  9. 1980 hours of that was on donner as allied rocket in the window above axis entry into fields. but all joking aside 1460 for me. Stop telling everyone my secrets!
  10. 2094... But holy shit 93.3 of those hours have been over the last 2 weeks! Backs away slowly from the computer... falls on the floor because legs are in atrophy!
  11. So with the big recruiting drive and in general I am once again dangerously low on my open friends slots. I have culled the list but most of the people I have left still sign on periodically so I would like to retain them. I have 469 out of 470 slots used at the moment. Please if people are willing to trade with me or give me any extra steam cards that the do not want, I would appreciate it a great deal if we could work something out. This will allow me to get a higher steam rank and will also give me additional friend slots. Please let me know if you would like me to initiate a trade request, or feel free to the following link to send me a trade request yourself if that is easier. http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?...;token=Lgvk8pkA Thanks in advance!
  12. That was pretty boss!
  13. Happy late birthday!
  14. Just watched Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack on Titan) and I thought it was a good series. To me it was kind of slow at first but it ramped up there towards the last half. It is pretty dark and brutal with Titans munching on just about everybody.
  15. Eh, doesn't seem worth it to clean up all that stuff in the end. Didn't even laugh or go "eww" at it myself. I wonder if he is going to use that blender again.... wtf.
  16. Of course.... he is from Ohio **Facepalm** Gilmore.... where the hell are you finding this stuff..... wow!
  17. Name: Redonkulous Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:24355513 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: 1 month to permanent since this the 3rd ban issued for the same problem. Demo Provided?: No, Rijke, [Dssg]Ouch That Hurt, and [RC]Herr_Scharfi[AUT] all reported the issue however to me References: http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...5513&Submit http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...sessions/147655
  18. Name: 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:58172078 Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect to the Unit and myself Recommended duration of ban: I will leave it up the the CS to decide. Demo Provided?: No, but there is chat history here: Mainly this is for documentation purposes, but this person really got my ire up especially since I have them on my friends list. I kicked him initially for putting this in chat repeatedly "If you wanna be a Rec for the rest of ur life join the 1st MRB today". He proceeded to return and repeat the same thing. Was also saying "You mad?" in the admin chat repeatedly as well. I banned him for a day at that point for disrespect. Saunders then contacted me on Steam and this is the transcript below saying that he will just be doing it again: Saturday, July 26, 2014 7:42 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: LOL how long did u ban me 7:42 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: for 7:43 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: day 7:42 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: LOL 7:42 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: You mad? 7:43 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: I Was just helping u recruit lol i was being very kind 7:44 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: eh, trolling? 7:44 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: ok, i mean... I asked you to stop 7:44 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: I Could of said wanna be a Pvt in less than 2 days join the 4th ID 7:44 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: gave you a warning fire 7:45 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: and you are trolling on the server 7:45 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: not friendly or cool 7:44 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: but i didnt i was being nice and said if u wanna be a Rec join the 1st MRB today lol 7:44 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: That is being friends 7:44 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Friendly* 7:46 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: hmm, funny that is not what you put 7:46 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: im not going to sit here and be trolled by it 7:45 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: People might like being a Rec for the rest of their lives you dont know 7:45 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: !!! 7:46 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: it is only for a day 7:45 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: LOL 7:46 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: maybe we can get over this and learn from it 7:46 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: I Dont play on ur server anyways because yall have that gay may rotation thing on 7:47 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: ok, whatever 7:46 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: i dont wanna have to keep reseting my score every 30 min 7:46 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: lol 7:47 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: you mean from a map change? 7:47 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Yes 7:48 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: ok 7:48 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: that is fine 7:47 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: lol 7:48 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: your choice 7:48 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: and i left ur unit because yall arnt oranganized AT ALL lol 7:48 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: and because i hate being restricted to one gun so 7:49 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: hmm, now your talking silly 7:49 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: ok man 7:48 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: am ?i 7:49 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: yep 7:48 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: am i ?* 7:48 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: ok 7:49 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: not sure what your overall problem is here 7:50 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: if you dont want to be in the MRB that is fine 7:50 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: if you dont want to play on the server that is fine 7:49 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Silly are u like a 4 year old ? Mature people dont say silly they use big boy words lol 7:50 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: if you want to troll and be a dick on the server that is not fine 7:50 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Yeah it is fine] 7:50 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: eh, you are just showing your true colors 7:50 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Because thats not trolling 7:50 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: lol am 7:51 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: well i feel sorry for you then that you can't even tell 7:50 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: am i? 7:51 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: if you come on the server like that again then I will make the ban longer 7:51 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: No if u think that is trolling then ur simply retarted 7:52 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: nope 7:51 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Okay tomarrow ill do it again lol 7:52 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: prob not 7:51 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Ban me IDC 7:52 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: ok will do 7:52 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Okay do u want me to give u my steam ID now so u can ban me perma? 7:53 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: dont need it 7:52 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: Okay 7:53 AM - SSgt. T. Heresy [1st MRB]: thanks 7:52 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: No problem 7:53 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: You do realise that there are like 100 other servers out there and maybe 10 are realism and i would reather realism anyway lol 7:53 AM - 1st Sgt. Sanders [4th ID]: so it doesnt bother me
  19. Thanks for the find!
  20. Switch the cables between the two monitors and see if the problem happens on the other monitor as well. This will confirm if the monitor is okay. If the monitor is okay then take the cable that does not have the HDMI/DVI converter replace the one that is there currently there. This will tell you if it is the cable or the video card. Please let us know the results then.
  21. Happy birthday all!
  22. The guy came on again and I banned him. He had the MG prepared to do it again. Avatar hunting for the WIN!
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