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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Japan (20) USA (31) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (2) England (24) Norway (31) North Korea (17) Sweden (30) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (5)
  2. Your ping times are high to Google. I average around 27ms when I ping Google. A ping of 130ish is way too high for your type of connection. When talking to the Internet support person tell them all the issues as you have described here. You have very high periods of ping responses, Netflix cannot stream, and you cannot use other devices like the iPad. Inform them that you were getting lower ping times before with all of these devices and now even your normal ping to Google is high as well. They should be able to analyze the connection at a basic level easily so they may find something right away.
  3. From your description one of the key points is that you are having the issue also with other services (Netflix) and other devices. This points to something at a lower level with either the router, modem, or Internet connection. At this point I would suggest calling the Internet provider that you have and request that they run some diagnostics for you to see if they see any problems. In the mean time you can try taking the router out of the equation by connecting a system directly to the modem to see if you experience the same ping issues. MAKE SURE THE SYSTEM HAS ITS FIREWALL TURNED ON! (I use caps because it is important ) If you do not know for sure the firewall is turned on then please do not connect directly to the router! Also, have you already restarted all the devices, meaning the modem, router, all computers, and all network connected devices?
  4. Hi Wells, Some questions here: Does your computer actually boot into Safe Mode then?Were there any recent changes?Have you been hearing any strange noises coming from the computer?Is it a laptop or desktop?Do you have any peripherals plugged in like a flash drive? Thank you
  5. Japan (20) USA (30) Mexico (19) Canada (19) Russia (3) England (24) Norway (30) North Korea (17) Sweden (30) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (7)
  6. Japan (20) USA (29) Mexico (19) Canada (19) Russia (4) England (24) Norway (28) North Korea (17) Sweden (29) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (10)
  7. Japan (21) USA (28) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (6) England (23) Norway (26) North Korea (18) Sweden (28) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (10)
  8. Happy Birthday Newman!
  9. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (8) England (23) Norway (24) North Korea (18) Sweden (27) Finland (19) Germany (21) China (12)
  10. Japan (21) USA (28) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (9) England (23) Norway (23) North Korea (18) Sweden (26) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (13)
  11. Catching the glider by the tongue was epic!
  12. Please also let us know what model the TV is so the specifications may be reviewed.
  13. Happy Birthday Ultranator! I hope you have a blast!
  14. Looks terrible and a tragety to lose brave people like that.
  15. Japan (21) USA (26) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (15) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (17)
  16. Apparently he fled the scene and the video was used to find him. Good call, I did not realize that there was more to the story. Still should have filmed him running though!
  17. Japan (20) USA (23) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (16) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (19) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (19)
  18. I closed it here but if you need some help later just let us know.
  19. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (17) England (21) Norway (20) North Korea (20) Sweden (21) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  20. This is great but I will admit that I was a little disappointed that there was not more video of them going back looking at the aftermath. I guess that makes me evil?
  21. Gearhart and I troubleshooted this for a while last night. The key thing seems to be that is bandwidth is just not being provided to him. Gearhart is going to check with his Internet provider to confirm what speed he should be seeing (possibly 6 Mbit/s down) and see if there is something wrong with his modem or the line. We also turned on QoS on the router for DOD:S but this did not help. One thing I thought of Gearhart to eliminate your router is to temporarily plug your system directly into the DSL modem. Please make sure you have a firewall turned on though on your system since you will be publicly exposed when you connect directly like this.
  22. Damnit! Just spent the last 2-3 hours watching Jimmy Fallon clips. The best I think is the Russian Egg Roulette followed by Water War. Great stuff, lol!
  23. I spoke with Jones this morning and this issue is resolved. Jones did remove the mouse acceleration but he also reverted some minimap downloads that he had applied earlier, so that may have played a factor as well.
  24. Captain America's reaction is priceless!
  25. That looks extremely painful in the crotch area....DAMN!
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