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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. What kind of router is it and what is the model?
  2. To embed, on the YouTube page click on "Share" and then "Embed". Copy the code, paste it into the forum post window, then in "Post Options" select "HTML On - Auto Linebreak Mode" Here is the behind the scenes of the advertisement, which made me face palm and cringe a few times when hearing Vanilla Ice talk:
  3. Please could you see if the spray works on other servers? I was reading this post about someone with the same issue and it seems like the cause was the local cache on the server. http://plaguefest.com/threads/other-people...my-spray.17270/ They also mentioned the following cvar. Please could you check that as well? cl_allowupload 1
  4. **NSFW (music/some images)** Keeping with the theme of Star Trek captains... you will not look at Kirk/Spock the same way again.
  5. The monkeys near the end on car is hilarious! True mammals
  6. Tired and shagged out after a long squawk...
  7. Happy Birthday and I hope that it is a good one!
  8. Yep, thanks I missed the other binds in the line below (edited my entry). I was trying to keep it simple for most people, but adding the other binds to break the crouch lock is a good idea. I also simplified your script to use the -dOFF alias for the crouch breaks and added that to my original post.
  9. Willow would put cheese on this
  10. Yelle is one of my favorites even though I don't know French. The vocals, keyboards, and mixing are just superb.
  11. Sorry Wilson, unless we can get one of command staff to open a message with the server host I think we have exhausted our options here. If one of the server admins sees this post and has the ability to open a message for us, please let us know either way if a message with the provider can be opened on our behalf. Otherwise Wilson I think this specific issue should be closed and if we find anything new we can open it again later. Thanks, Heresy
  12. All, I am of the opinion that we close this thread. What I have read seems to confirm that this is a map configuration issue rather than a client configuration issue and all configurations to increase the viewing distance have not had an effect. Here is an example where a creator corrected some viewing distances on models in their map (first correction in the change list): http://dods.gamebanana.com/maps/11260?qpost=419695
  13. I think that someone may have posted something similar in a different thread but here is a crouch toggle to put in with the rest of the configs I have listed here. This can be useful in extended games or realisms where you need to cover for a while. To break out of the crouch you can press the key again or just press your jump key. Personally I have a key bound to the normal press/release crouch and the toggle crouch so I can do both easily. //Toggle Crouch Bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" "+dOn" alias "-dOn" "+duck; bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" +dOFF" alias "-dOFF" "-duck; bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" +dOn" alias "+dOn" "+duck" alias "+dOFF" "-duck" Based on Lafy's suggestion in the following post, this additional script will also set the duck, sprint, and prone keys so that they break the crouch toggle as well: //Break Toggle Crouch //duck key Bind "KEY FOR DUCK" "+duck2" alias "+duck2" "+duck" alias "-duck2" "-dOFF" //sprint key Bind "KEY FOR SPRINT" "+sprint" alias "+sprint" "+speed; -dOFF" alias "-sprint" "-speed" //prone key Bind "KEY FOR PRONE" "+prone" alias "+prone" "+alt1; -dOFF" alias "-prone" "-alt1"
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Crap... just watched all 43 minutes of that last one! Some funny stuff in there though!
  16. I'm surprised you don't automatically have a family visit planned every year at this time!
  17. Russia's economy is already starting to take a hit with the market and currency valuation. The funny/sad part is that it will be another excuse to blame the West when things go bad internally.
  18. Winning the recruitment drive was one of my proudest moments since I was able to pull in some people, and then some since then. Getting the silver star (18 enlistments) for my recruitment ribbon was the general benchmark that I saw for some of the members that have been here for a while, so I am pretty proud about that too.
  19. Ty Heenry
  20. I agree, the government wants us to depend on them, just like most with power desire this. She was not paying for the sewage service and still refuses to do so. If their sewage rate calculations are like mine, it is based off of how much water you use and therefore they are requiring the water hookup. This way they will know what to charge her for sewage which would be some base rate since she does not use the city water. Obviously the easy answer would be to charge her just a sewage fee but I'm sure the city did not account for this scenario. Maybe if she had approached them to pay some nominal rate for the sewage then they would have been more receptive. An example case might be for someone with well water wanting to use city sewage. I don't agree that they should have cut her off from it like they did because general humanity would dictate to leave it on, and the fact that it will likely cause sanitary issues. I do agree however that she needs to pay for the service just like any other citizen. Being self sufficient, great. Acting like your owed a free service when others pay, not great.
  21. Here is a script that will tie both the frag and the smoke grenades together on the the same key. If a class is being used that does not have a smoke grenade then the key works just like normal for the frag/rifle grenades as well. I find this handy when using the assault class since I can just cycle through the nades to get the type I want rather than clicking on another key. // Grenade cycle alias grnfrag "use weapon_frag_ger; use weapon_frag_us; use weapon_riflegren_ger; use weapon_riflegren_us" alias grnsmoke "use weapon_smoke_ger; use weapon_smoke_us" alias grenup "gu2" alias gu1 "grnsmoke; grnfrag; alias grenup gu2; alias grendn gu1" alias gu2 "grnfrag; grnsmoke; alias grenup gu1; alias grendn gu2" alias grendn To use just bind grenup to the key you want for grenades. Now the drawback to the above script is that it will remember the last nade that was set (frag or smoke) and then rotate to the next one. To me this was kind of annoying because I usually want the frag grenade first, because I want to kill of course. So the following is the additional part of the script that set the frag grenade to be the first one even if you switch weapons. You will need to change your keys to whatever you have bound to currently to your slot1, slot2, slot3, slot5, invprev, and invnext. Example, where I have KP_END for slot1, change KP_END to your key bind for slot1. //Grenade cycle frag reset bind "KP_END" "slot1; gu1" bind "KP_INS" "slot2; gu1" bind "KP_DEL" "slot3; gu1" bind "KP_5" "slot5; gu1" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev; gu1" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext; gu1"
  22. The food that Correa made looks amazing!
  23. Bubble wrap works great to cover windows since it helps stop drafts and it has some insulating properties because of the air pockets. Here is a good link: http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/Conse.../bubblewrap.htm
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