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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Gearhart that is boss... A perfect hermit or DoDs player refuge.
  2. I noticed that Percy has not been on in a while and if any of you are friends with him maybe you can post on his profile page to wish him a happy birthday. Steam profile page Happy Birthday Percy if you do see this.
  3. Nice video with some cool head shots!
  4. Did you happen to call them yet and say that you are having a specific connection issue to our server? Also let them know what times you saw the lag. That might help them troubleshoot.
  5. Seems like a good plan! Hellz yeah!
  6. This is great! Thank you for all the hard effort people put into making this! Really appreciated!
  7. The line "Exotic Herbal Formula" makes the sale...
  8. Hey Wilson I just wondered how your ping response times were these days?
  9. Name: bobthecarpenter Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:37925812 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TKs Recommended duration of ban: few days or a week Demo Provided?: No but ballsacknoodles was a witness
  10. Cannon raging is always good for entertainment
  11. Been listening to this.... good stuff!
  12. Happy birthday buddy!
  13. I definitely applaud your desire to go green. These things have been on my mind over the last few years as well. Mostly for cost savings but including to reduce my footprint in the world. I know it is tempting to implement a system that allows for renewable power, but the reality is that the return on investment (ROI) of these are not as high as energy conservation measures. Dollar for Dollar the money you put in to make your home more efficient will earn your money back faster than most renewable systems. I'm not saying that you should not look to setup a renewable system in the future, but get the heavy hitters that are wasting energy now. Personally I seriously want to go solar one of these days and I live in Ohio. The big one I would look at in terms of energy savings is your home air sealing and insulation. If you have drafts or areas that allow heat to escape easily then those are huge energy suckers and negate any renewable system even if you did put one in. The following is a good site that discusses the topics: http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/air-sealing-your-home http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/insulation Also this one discusses the ROI of the various energy saving measures and shows the time and payback in an easy to read table: http://www.greenandsave.com/master_roi_table.html All this being said, depending on your financial standing I would first look at programs for energy assistance as well to see if the criteria is met: http://www.oregon.gov/OHCS/Pages/SOS_Low_I...nce_Oregon.aspx http://www.oregonheat.org/energy-assistance I hope this helps...
  14. Dayton, Ohio... not much going on here...
  15. Thanks for posting the resolution. I'm glad that is working correctly now.
  16. Bump... This made me laugh
  17. Still had the same issue after downloading the map again.
  18. Happy Birthday Borscht ya sniping jerk!
  19. I tried these on my system and I still see the effect that was described originally with the tree and the door. I was reading some posts that attribute this to the map itself rather than the configuration of the game or the system running it.
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