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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Nice shotgunning!
  2. He was attacked by a Russian bear.
  3. This is awesome but part of me thinks this...
  4. This thread is interesting and the post from BullDoser has some good information. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/show...d.php?t=1614805 The values that I would try setting to see if it helps. I know you set r_propsmaxdist before but did you try 5000?: r_propsmaxdist 5000 //Maximum visible distance for props. cl_detailfade 4000 //Distance across which detail props fade in cl_detaildist 12000 //Distance at which detail props are no longer visible cl_phys_props_max 3000 //Count of physical Props
  5. This was very interesting and surreal at the same time. Thanks for sharing it.
  6. No harm in trying to increase it. The worst case is you set it back to the default value.
  7. You would enter this command via the developer console. If you enter cl_detaildist it should show the current value. Example from the console: ] cl_detaildist "cl_detaildist" = "1200" You can access the console using the tilde key which is the key with the "~". To enable developer console go to Options, Keyboard, Advanced
  8. Ahh, this is funny.... but true.
  9. This is great, a lot of funny GIFs with well chosen music!
  10. Impressive collection there Hall. Most of my old toys have gone to my kids. I get to enjoy playing with them again too
  11. Ahh da Germans
  12. So much explosion!
  13. This is great, now I have an idea what O'Gara looks like when pubbing it up (assuming he wears a polo all the time) I saw Visca's pic earlier.
  14. Damn, I did not see this until now! Hilarious! The old man is the best!
  15. Awesome translations
  16. ROFL YouTube comment from someone "Love this but it got a little awkward when he fondled his pompoms."
  17. The cat must have done this before or it was great timing. LOLz
  18. Happy Birthday Evo-lution! I hope it is an awesome one!
  19. That or Ubuntu Linux live DVD to copy files to a USB drive. Just depends on your computer comfort level Lloyd.
  20. If you do have something you want off of the hard drive you can use something like this adapter that I have myself. http://www.amazon.com/C2G-Cables-30504-Ser...r/dp/B000UO6C5S
  21. Sorry, you take him back, I don't give a shit about the what happened in the game lol ROFL! Oh wait.......damn
  22. ***facepalm***
  23. Now Dirtybird will be lurking on the forums as well as the pub!
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