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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Stone!
  2. Thanks all for working on getting this access corrected for Dirtybird. Appreciated
  3. I would attempt to load the "Last Known Good Configuration". Please follow the steps below: If your computer has a single operating system installed, press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts. You need to press F8 before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, you'll need to try again by shutting down and restarting your computer. If your computer has more than one operating system, use the arrow keys to highlight the operating system you want to start, and then press F8. On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Last Known Good Configuration (advanced), and then press Enter.
  4. Please describe the "black screen of death". Do you see any text on the screen? Do any logos come up? Do any lights flash on the system anywhere? What was happening before the crash? Any symptoms that you can elaborate on? While you answer these questions please unplug the power cable and remove the battery from the system. Wait 20 seconds and then replace the battery and then plug the power cord back in. Please let me know if anything changes by doing that.
  5. Any luck in reviewing Dirtybird's forum permissions? Spoke with him today and he is still having the issue.
  6. The luger is now being hosted to a long term vacation in Siberia with an open invite to Jimmy.
  7. It is Valve's cloud sync called SteamPipe, it pulled your configurations back in. You may see if you can clear any configs that you don't know of from your config.cfg file and then mark it as read only to see if there is any affect in game. Make a copy of the file first
  8. Happy birthday and I hope that it is a good one!
  9. Was it working before and then it stopped working? A last resort you could try if it was working before would be to reinstall the game, that or make sure your configs are all cleared.
  10. I think this sums it up about what the people think of their government.
  11. I'm not sure why this would be considered hardcore to adjust your rates so that your lerp is lowered. To me it it is more of a correction of how the game communicates between the client and the server. If people do not get this then they are missing an important gameplay improvement.
  12. Yes, here is what he got: (5:09:27 PM) dirtybird: Thank you dirtybird. Your registration has been successful. The administrator wishes to preview all new registered accounts before posting permissions are granted. The administrator has been notified of your registration.
  13. Dirtybird is not able to make posts on the forum site in the public area. Please could someone check his permissions to see why he cannot post? (12:17:57 PM) dirtybird: i can click the links/buttons, i just get a yellow bar added to the html of the page (12:18:05 PM) dirtybird: saying i am not allowed to use that part of the board (12:18:17 PM) dirtybird: and that goes for editing my profile even, much less posting Thank you, Heresy
  14. Insert ugly smelly man in there and see how many jackets are given...
  15. I think most have an upper limit to the rate set. What rate are you trying to go for? I have a pretty high rate myself.
  16. Willow was having a similar issue today specifically with our server when she was connecting while others were just fine. It definitely seems to be an ISP problem and the way they route traffic to the server. Short of changing your providers I don't think that there is anything we can do honestly The only other thing is that someone from the command staff could open an issue with the server host to have them check. The reality is though that since the majority of users are connecting just fine to the server the hosting provider will likely not find anything. Even if it is a small chance though it may be worth it for someone to open a ticket just to double check everything since we have a couple of team members having this issue.
  17. Your call Arsenault on who you want to use. If you want me to be the intermediary just let me know and I will PM you my address.
  18. I am in Ohio if you do not find anyone closer to you.
  19. Are we okay to close this ticket Viktor or were you still looking for more advice on a new system?
  20. Hey Griswold I just wondered what you ended up doing here?
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Sorry all, it is just a Nokia commercial and is fake http://www.snopes.com/photos/advertisements/pingpong.asp No matter what though he was frigging awesome!
  23. Not to take away from the man or the video, but I have to question the authenticity here. Regardless, it got me watching a documentary here on Bruce which is pretty good. The guy was definitely one of a kind!
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