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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. A couple of things you might try to see if they make a difference at all are: A. Turn off the steam cloud sync in the Multiplayer tab in Options B. Check your "rate" value and make sure it is high enough like 50000 What is your upload and download speeds? Please can you run a speed test at http://www.speedtest.net/ when it is working good and when it is not and let us know the results?
  2. This is very well made! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Hilarious but I will likely have nightmares after that first one....
  4. I know I always circle before I poo...
  5. Out of all the lady painting the grass cracked me up the most.... lolzzz
  6. Happy 6th month anniversary!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy belated birthday Jones!
  9. The length of skid determines how fast the vehicle was moving
  10. Wow... balls out going though that canyon!
  11. Nicely done and good choice of music.
  12. I am glad that you are okay other than the bumps and bruises. Don't worry about the car or feel too bad that you lost it, those things happen. I have totaled a few vehicles myself and it all works out.
  13. Were you still thinking about getting a new tower Viktor or are you just going to update a few components based on what I think I saw on another thread from you about the new job?
  14. What are your thoughts Griswold on getting a splitter like Lafy suggested?
  15. I had a friend that was playing DoD a lot and started playing with him. Just kept on playing it and moved over to the Source version. Took a break for a year or so while playing Tribes Ascend. I missed the old DoD this summer and so here I am back again
  16. Please don't let some advertisement create hard feelings between us. Let's respect each other as we should as a team Its just Coke trying to sell more Coke. That is and will always be their main agenda. They try to illicit emotion to identify the drink with patriotism and therefore planting the seed in people's minds when they have a choice between Coke and another drink. It is all marketing fluff and bogus corporate propaganda as always. Freedom of speech is beautiful and its okay not to think like others. If you don't like the advertisement then cool I can understand that on a few levels and I'm glad people can speak out. If you like the advertisement then right on and I can understand that point of view too in the way that the ad shows the diversity of the USA. Honestly I have feelings on both sides of the debate and can see the merits of both arguments. For better or worse Coke's marketing team has created discussion and interest in their product which in the end may benefit their coffers. Obviously it could backfire, but they seem to have taken a calculated risk. I have little doubt that they knew going in that there would be some controversy. Coke wants people to remember them and drink more of their product. They don't care for people personally. They only care about the cash in people's wallet and their mouth to drink the stuff. I still drink Coke now and again (and I like it) but I know they are not my friend. My MRB/BAR pals are my friends, not some sugary drink.
  17. It is going to be a banner year for Heresy.... Just learned that I am going to get some Chipotle for dinner tonight!
  18. LOL, my favorite line is "Smooth as an android's bottom." FTW
  19. #haaahaah #omg #bestcakeever hbd heresy #greentictactoetime
  20. Thanks all! I'm actually 89 now Willow
  21. Guy has some talents! The shear number of cameras in the car is impressive! This one is hilarious because the people don't know what the hell is going on and they are essentially ignoring him for the most part, lol!
  22. Good actor, definitely sorry to hear about this.
  23. That lake effect is just crazy!
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