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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. It may help to review how the cables are connected within the current system and document them if you need to. For instance seeing how the cables are plugged into the motherboard, drives, fans, and other components. The easiest way would be to take several pictures so that you can reference them later when you are putting the components back into the new case. In best practice you should be wearing a static wristband when handling components, but I have generally gotten away with just making sure that I am discharged by touching something metal around me before handling components (no warranty on this ). Here are some instructions that might help, but if you really want to understand it better I would review a video like this to understand the process to install the components. http://youtu.be/0bUghCx9iso Steps to remove components from old case: 1. Review how cables are connected 2. Take pictures 3. Review again how cables are connected 4. Unplug and remove all drives 5. Unplug (if plugged in to power or sound) peripheral cards like video and sound and remove them 6. Unplug wires connected to the motherboard and carefully place them out of the way so that you can remove the board 7. **Carefully** unscrew the motherboard making sure to take your time so that you do not slip off the head and damage the board 8. Ease the motherboard out by tilting it up from the side away from the back connector side. This generally is the way but use your best judgement and do not force the board out. If you run into a lot of resistance, stop and investigate if there is something that you missed or did not unplug. Also do not use the CPU or other module on the board as leverage to lift the board out, only hold the side edges. 9. Remove the motherboard connector punch out plate in the back **Also make sure you have a good clean work area to place all these things temporarily before starting to remove them** Steps to insert components into new case: 1. Make sure that all the cables in the new case are out of your way 2. I suggest putting the power supply in first so that you do not have to handle this heavy object in the case when your motherboard or other components are in there 3. Insert the motherboard connector punch out plate in the back 4. Put in the required motherboard screw posts and ease the motherboard in like you took it out of the old case 5. Connect the motherboard to the fans and power supply 6. Insert and hookup the video card and other cards 7. Insert and hookup the drives. 8. Power on and hope for the best! Hope that helps, Heresy
  2. Although I have plenty in stock, you just can't sell awesome... Because he doesn't want to know if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior "Hi, my name is Heresy. Would you like to know more about Jesus?"
  3. That is nice. I like the people (maybe family) she painted in the cab.
  4. Although I have plenty in stock, you just can't sell awesome...
  5. White shirty AND tie?! IT'S HERESY I TELL YOU!!! sorry, i couldn't resist My normal work from home attire is "ultra casual" My normal work from home attire is a pair of boxer short, is that "ultra casual"? Yes. Business casual is that with a shirt on.
  6. White shirty AND tie?! IT'S HERESY I TELL YOU!!! sorry, i couldn't resist My normal work from home attire is "ultra casual"
  7. Professional Heresy
  8. I have been thinking about it here and I would like to propose a sweetener to the recruit drive. I am not really in the need for a new keyboard, mouse, or headset so I would like to give this to someone, if by chance I do win. I also don't want it to be me trying to get new people in just for "stuff" Currently by my total we have 8 new or returning members from the drive with 5 coming from me. If we can get at least 2 more to reach our goal of 10 then the prize in that group is available. There are some other things in the prize group, but I would rather give the hardware since that could help benefit the overall playing ability of who receives it. Who would I give the hardware to? Well that depends on need, how often the person plays in the pub, if the person has brought in new players, and frankly how I'm feeling that day Of course if someone beats my total then what happens with the prize is that person's prerogative. So what do you say, do you think we can get above 10, even more? I will still try an get some more players, but I would like some extra help! Happy Holidays! Heresy
  9. I think the hospital one was the best. Panda don't give a F*ck if your sick!
  10. Merry Christmas Cpl. Lystad!
  11. Woot! Good work everyone on the new people!
  12. Here is a gamma or brightness level script that will allow you to easily select three lumen levels by pressing the same key repeatedly. A lot of times I run 1.6 gamma but it can be easier on the eyes to go to a darker level during general play. //Changes brightness level bind [KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND] "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma 1.6 2.2 .3" Thanks, Heresy
  13. This post has not been updated in a while so I thought I would add some scripting binds that might be useful to some. The best place to put these are in your autoexec.cfg file and then change the bind keys to your preference. //Map and Minimap Transparency bind "o" "incrementvar overview_alpha 0.05 1.0 .2" //Changes the net_graph style bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT" "incrementvar net_graph 0 3 1" //Drop ammo and tell team where ammo is dropped at alias ammoloc "dropammo; say_team dropped ammo en route thru %l" bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT" ammoloc Thanks, Heresy
  15. That was some funny stuff!
  16. My vote yes for Willow is now confirmed.
  17. Very surprising that I am not on there... derrrrr **votes Willow**
  18. Full Name:Thomas Richard Heresy Age:35 Location:Dayton, Ohio Occupation:Senior Systems Administrator for an application hosting (SaaS) company working from home Favorite activity or hobby:General tech projects for play and around the home. Also slothing in my computer chair for hours(days?) at at time... Special talent: I deal with the god damn application problems so the customers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people and finding on answers Google that people don't want to take the time to look for. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people? (if you don't know watch Office Space) Favorite alcoholic beverage:Margarita and lots of it 3 Favorite movies: 1.Star Wars (yes, all of them except for the F*ing Jar Jar Binks segments) 2.Dune 3.James Bond Series 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1.Nine Inch Nails 2.Snog 3.Stromkern 3 Favorite songs: 1.Only - NiN 2.Island - Snog 3.Safety Dance - Men Without Hats 4.Whip It - Devo 3.F*** the Pain Away - Peaches 3 Favorite foods: 1.Coffee 2.Creme Brulee 3.Runts
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