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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Name: professional machinegunner Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21035409 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Hacking Demo Provided?: No Comments: Perm ban issued by WO. J. Griswold. Incident was witnessed by Rec. E. Perez, Rec. M. Cortez, Rec. J. Sky, including myself. Was on the server and achieved a 90 to 1 k/d ratio with 84 headshots. Also was killing people in the enemy spawn with an MG from across the map.
  2. Try running the Microsoft "Fix it" in the resolution section of this link that details Windows 7 connections always coming up in Public mode: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2578723
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Regan smash!
  5. They should have some of these kids come out and jump for joy that these fools are not their fathers....
  6. If it is something that recently changed it could have been another program that you installed. You could try reinstalling the sound drivers/software as Viktor suggested. We will keep working with you unless you want us to just go ahead and close the ticket. Just let us know.
  7. Did you happen to try the "bcdedit /set useplatformclock yes" command yet?
  8. What do you think here Lennings? About the only thing I can think of is to try validating the cache or reinstalling again.
  9. Hi Downs, were you able to get a new battery yet?
  10. When you say changing to a public network, do you mean your wireless card is connecting to another network? If it is a wireless connection that keeps coming up you can just forget/delete the connection. Here is how to delete a network connection in Windows 7: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...v=ws.10%29.aspx
  11. Skype will want to change the mic volume automatically by default if you do not change it. Also check your mic settings as suggested previously. There may be some configuration with your audio software that is automatically doing this.
  12. Just curious, do you have an Asus board? The command "bcdedit /set useplatformclock yes" will make a boot entry for windows forcing the system to use High Precision Event Timer (HPET) versus the Windows default timer. I think you could make the change try it out and remove it if it did not work. Also make sure that HPET is enabled in your BIOS. Information on the command http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wi...v=vs.85%29.aspx If you want to turn it off: bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock Disable HPET in BIOS reboot
  13. Heresy 1st MRB


    Just get back in the unit and play when you can. Always good to have people come back and hang with us.
  14. Happy Father's Day!
  15. There are some other users here who have been attributing the problem to their Asus motherboard or overclocking the CPU. I am not sure that is the problem but it was something I found online here. http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1335697&page=2
  16. Name: Pekka Peräreikä Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:20729747 Reasons for the Ban: Team killed people and fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 or 2 days Demo Provided?: No, Candy was on the server when the incident occurred.
  17. USA (78) England (40) Norway (36) Sweden (46) Germany (37)
  18. He needs more coffee.
  19. For donner I made my own private server and then I also checked on the private server and it was the same thing, no plant movement. I'm not sure what the issue is. Maybe try and validate your game cache and reinstall if you need to.
  20. That does look pretty sweet!
  21. On Donner none of the plants move for me in any of the fields (Axis spawn, main field, and Allies spawn) so that is not a good example for you to confirm if plants are moving. I'm not sure if I can give you any other advice other than I think it is model/map specific. It is strange that you don't see the plants moving on dod_cherbourg when they do move for me. So you do not see the plants move here on dod_cherbourg?
  22. I have banned this player for 1 day since he was still on the server.
  23. I spoke with Downs a few nights ago on the issue he was having. The additional details are that the power will turn on each time he presses the power button to the system but it will not power up fully. Also when he finally gets into Windows the time is reset as well. This leads me to think that the problem is not with the power supply but with perhaps the battery on the motherboard since the time values are not retained. Downs is going to replace the battery since this is a cheap troubleshooting step.
  24. Lennings, have you tried/reviewed any of the previous here?
  25. Dem some posts!
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