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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. That was cool but it was disappointing because: 1. Jimmy did not ask him about the game box picture and what the hell is going on with Pierce's mouth! 2. There was no trolling with proximity mines!
  2. This one may have gotten over looked but I believe that kwazzimotoe deserves a perm ban. No enemy kills, just team kills and deaths. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/player_...sessions/149951
  3. Name: kwazzimotoe Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:9638318 Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: This wonderful person has been banned 4 times now for team killing. Recommend a permanent ban. http://www.1stmarineraiderbattalion.clanse...toe&Submit=
  4. Are you using the looping function by mistake instead of the general record? Purple I think is the looping, where as red is the straight record.
  5. For Fraps I have my video capture settings at 30 fps and at half size. Please could you try that?
  6. I say have nade dispensers like we have on Camp Pendleton on the top areas of the map!
  7. Happy Birthday to you Captain, Sir!
  8. Do you have anything saved in Firefox? Could you try it with that browser? Regardless of the browser you can save favorites and data off. Save Firefox favorites/bookmarks: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export...kup-or-transfer Save Chrome favorites/bookmarks: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/96816?hl=en Also if you sign in with a Google account in Chrome it will save your favorites and "should" save your form data as swell to the cloud: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/165139?hl=en
  9. The best IMO is 1:12 to 1:32 where he stares, smiles, and then does barrel roll.... like a boss.
  10. I thought it was a refreshing take on how we really think as animals
  11. It is a sad thing. We cannot forget that no one is immune to these kind of things.
  12. Maybe uninstall Chrome and Flash, then reinstall both?
  13. Yep, sorry, missed that you mentioned the nuclear option before
  14. I liked the barrel you kicked out at someone and then you put a bullet in their head.... boss
  15. Thanks for the heads up. The CS are working to correct it. Just an FYI, the MOTD has not been working at all for several months. If you do ever see anything it it is usually cached from another server momentarily.
  16. Please try setting your QOS (Quality of Service) setting on your router to give your system priority over everyone else in your household. More than likely others in your house will not notice since they will be mainly web surfing or buffering video/audio. Here is a good forum post explaining how to do this on that model router: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27967474-...ings-for-gaming I have put the instructions here as well from that post:
  17. The config file should be placed here for a Mac so you can create a userconfg.cfg in that directory to see if that solves the issue for you. ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Day of Defeat Source/dod/cfg Nuclear Option if you want to try it: Please try deleting the game though Steam and then delete the DoD folder here ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Day of Defeat Source. Download the files again after deleting everything.
  18. Does the problem happen in other browsers too? Have you updated your Adobe Flash? Flash Update Link: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
  19. Is the actual error message you saw "'userconfig.cfg' not present"? Please validate the game cache by right clicking the game in Steam --> clicking on Properties --> clicking on Local Files tab --> and clicking on Verify Integrity of Game Cache
  20. Tomorrow some of these coupons start expiring. Let me know if you want them! My coupon inventory can be viewed here as well: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iamheresy/inventory/#753_3 75% off on the title The Culling Of The Cows. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 10:53:01 AM) 50% off on the title Zigfrak. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 12:56:43 PM) 50% off on the title LYNE. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 12:57:45 PM) 75% off on the title Titan Attacks. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 1:00:42 PM) 75% off on the title Costume Quest. (Valid until 8/8/2014, 3:57:31 PM) 66% off on the title White Noise Online. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:00:07 PM) 75% off on the title Enclave. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:25:02 PM) 33% off on the title Yet Another Zombie Defense. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:25:23 PM) 50% off on the title Paranormal. (Valid until 8/10/2014, 11:39:01 PM) 33% off on the title POSTAL 2. (Valid until 8/11/2014, 12:06:02 AM) 75% off on the title Trapped Dead. (Valid until 8/11/2014 1:25:06 AM) 50% off on the title LIMBO. (Valid until 8/11/2014 1:25:28 AM) 25% off on the title Zeno Clash 2. (Valid until 8/11/2014 11:05:26 AM) 50% off on the title Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:04:54 PM) 33% off on the title Nuclear Throne. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:05:19 PM) 75% off on the title Blast Em!. (Valid until 8/11/2014 3:22:20 PM) 90% off on the title Faerie Solitaire. (Valid until 8/11/2014, 8:32:51 PM) 33% off on the title Slam Bolt Scrappers. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 2:58:35 AM) 90% off on the title Serious Sam 3: BFE. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:00:12 AM) 50% off on the title Escape Goat. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:01:16 AM) 75% off on the title Titan Attacks. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:02:03 AM) 33% off on the title Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:03:03 AM) 33% off on the title Redshirt. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:04:13 AM) 33% off on the title Dead Horde. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:06:01 AM) 50% off on the title Larva Mortus. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:08:07 AM) 33% off on the title Dead Horde. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:09:59 AM) 75% off on the title Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:11:03 AM) 33% off on the title 140. (Valid until 8/12/2014, 3:12:17 AM)
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. I think the limit is 200 by default (not 100% on that). I have been working to raise my rank to 50 now with some great help from friends and putting in a few bucks of my own I now have some breathing room with 470 out of 500 filed
  23. I would but "TSgt. J. Candy [1st MRB]'s inventory privacy is set to "Private". They are unable to receive trade offers." Let me know when you have changed that and I will send you the coupon.
  24. Happy birthday there my friend!
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