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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. The part with the sprinkles looked pretty cool.
  2. ROFL.... "That doesn't look right...."
  3. Thanks for letting us know the resolution Barry. It sounds like it USB headset then? If so I would imagine plugging it back in (possibly on a different port?) resolved the issue by reinstalling the driver and possibly resetting some configs. Marking the ticket as resolved.
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. USA (82) England (39) Norway (39) Sweden (45) Germany (32)
  6. USA (81) England (39) Norway (39) Sweden (46) Germany (32)
  7. Happy Birthday Visca!
  8. No you should not see any messages, it just sets your video settings to the default. You can take that off and then turn down the detail of your video settings by using the recommend video settings that are denoted by the asterisk (*). If you want to play around with it you can turn up individual settings until you find the one that is causing your issue.
  9. USA (80) England (40) Norway (41) Sweden (45) Germany (31)
  10. USA (79) England (40) Norway (41) Sweden (46) Germany (31)
  11. Looking into the "Loudness Equalization" option I really think you want to have this turned off since it changes the volume levels of sounds differently depending on if they are quiet (will become louder) or loud (will become quieter). Please when you have a moment try these next steps. For the properties of your speakers please go to the "Enhancements" tab and check (enable) "Disable all Enhancements".Confirm that you are modifying the correct audio device using the "Preview" button on the "Enhancements" tab.Go to the levels tab and make sure that you have the levels up and that the balance is not skewed to one channel or another.Make sure that your volume is turned up on your headset.Test within the game and let us know how the sound is.
  12. USA (78) England (40) Norway (43) Sweden (46) Germany (30)
  13. USA (73) England (42) Norway (44) Sweden (49) Germany (29)
  14. USA (72) England (42) Norway (44) Sweden (50) Germany (29)
  15. Good idea Hess. Technically the autoconfig option sets the video settings to their default level while it is set and should not remain in the startup parameters except for troubleshooting. It is worth it though to try running the game with this parameter to see if you do get this issue Wells. If that does solve the issue then we know your video settings need to be changed. Reference https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article...1040-JWMT-2947: -autoconfig - Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed.
  16. A few questions to start out with here concerning your problem: What are your sound configuration settings under Options and then the Audio tab?Do you have surround or virtual surround going to your headset? It may be that the rear channels are at a higher volume now where the thunder and rain are being sent through.Have you tried changing between stereo and surround or vice versa?Do you know of any recent config changes that were related to sound?
  17. USA (73) England (41) Norway (44) Sweden (51) Germany (28)
  18. Thanks for the update White. I will close the ticket.
  19. In a way I prefer to have my subconscious take over. It is amazing the weird and unique things your mind will come up with!
  20. Are you going to do it like Mr. Bean, because maybe then it will be funny...
  21. USA (73) England (41) Norway (44) Sweden (52) Germany (27)
  22. USA (73) England (40) Norway (46) Sweden (51) Germany (27)
  23. Monty Python is classic British comedy.... Mr. Bean is....well.... meh I give him props for making a good living off of people who do think he is funny though!
  24. USA (73) England (39) Norway (46) Sweden (52) Germany (27)
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