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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. Ok, sorry it didn't turn out better so you could have a secondary monitor. Closing the ticket here.
  2. Several of Candy's numbers were off more than one so I based mine off of Hobbs' Japan (11) USA (48) Mexico (18) Canada (8) England (37) Norway (44) Sweden (48) Finland (5) Germany (21)
  3. You could update the following dirvers here for your EVGA 131-GT-E767-TR motherboard to see if this helps. If updating the drivers (although they are from 2011) do not help I would tend to think that there is something wrong with your motherboard. There may have been a Windows update that updated your stock motherboard drivers and could explain why you are now seeing this issue. https://www.evga.com/support/download/default.aspx 11-27-2011Chipset Driver9.3.0.1019131-GT-E767Win8/Win7/Vista/XP Download View 7-29-2011Sata 610.0.0.1042131-GT-E767Win8/Win7/Vista/XP Download 6-08-2011RAID10.6.0.1002131-GT-E767Win8/Win7/Vista/XP Download Please confirm that your video card drivers are up to date as well. Also it seems that you had at least one dump file. Please post the latest one you see there (I think 1-14-14).
  4. Nice, all kinds of cool sounds in there!
  5. Japan (11) USA (47) Mexico (18) Canada (8) England (36) Norway (44) Sweden (50) Finland (5) Germany (21)
  6. I thought that they were going to say the professor was the father...
  7. Its only a scratch... walk it off!
  8. Nice video. It was a little washed out for my preference, but still a good one!
  9. I think the train would just catch awesome air and then land perfectly on the rails...
  10. Congratulations to you and your wife Ultra!
  11. They have already seen noise in the line. Personally I would call them back and say that it was not like this before and they should fix it regardless. Have them send out another tech who is willing fix the problem or run another line if possible. Threaten leaving them if they do not want to send out a tech again (make sure it is a different one). If the provider is unable or unwilling to fix it then they should be dropped for another alternative if available in your area.
  12. Please could you see if there is a Windows dump file (*.dmp) in C:\Windows\Minidump directory? If you see a current one please post it and I will debug it. If there are not files please enable minidumps by following the steps below: Go to Start and type in sysdm.cpl and press EnterClick on the Advanced tabClick on the Startup and Recovery Settings buttonUnder the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the dropdown boxEnsure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%\Minidump << where your .dmp files can be found later In general there are several posts about this SATA (hard drive, DVD) controller having problems. The posts mention that if you wait the system should eventually come up but it appears to be a SATA controller problem on board. Some have turned off SATA 6 so that they are running SATA 3 only since their drives are not compatible. Others have moved their drives off of the Marvell SATA controller completely if they have another controller on the motherboard. Can you confirm what motherboard you have by looking in the BIOS message/setup screens or looking inside the case and getting the model number? http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=261384 http://forums.evga.com/tm.aspx?m=1182299
  13. Japan (11) USA (47) Mexico (18) Canada (10) England (35) Norway (43) Sweden (50) Finland (5) Germany (21)
  14. If the routing to Google is fubar'ed then the provider still needs to be involved since there is nothing that White can do to correct it on his own. It would be interesting to see what kind of mess they have for you.
  15. Green apple > lime Skittles Dorito tacos are fantastic Lifesaver pineapple still exists in the 5 flavors I welcome the changes
  16. Try updating your video driver please to see if that helps.
  17. It should be in the range of 20-30 ms. I would have them come back out. Sounds like the tech was giving you excuses to get out of there without actually fixing it. Did they replace your modem/router?
  18. Tried the game out before. You can start building right from the get-go, mining doesn't seem to serve any purpose what-so-ever as of yet (remember, it's still in early alpha stages). The building is a bit of a pain in the ass though. If you accidentally get too close to the ship while building and happen to bump into it, it will start drifting off without any way to stop it, and making it impossible to continue building while it's spinning away. Thus forcing you to start over again. Once you do manage to build a simple ship, flying it around runs into the same problem. There is no way to stop (that I found in the hour or so I had given the game to try). Which also means, there is no way to get out of your ship without it floating off into space, and no way to land at a space station (which can also be built, and similarly, a pain in the ass). Basically, once you finish building something, you can use it until you want to get out, then it's lost. It has potential, and if the block-building thing appeals to you, give it a look. But there really isn't much there yet. Thanks for the feedback. I will hold off on buying it for a while based on this.
  19. Japan (15) USA (44) Mexico (18) Canada (12) England (32) Norway (42) Sweden (47) Finland (9) Germany (21)
  20. Japan (15) USA (42) Mexico (19) Canada (13) England (32) Norway (42) Sweden (46) Finland (10) Germany (21)
  21. Hmm, that is a long time to mine and not be able to build anything.
  22. Were you able to try some of these troubleshooting steps?
  23. They are purrfect killing machines!
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