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Heresy 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Heresy 1st MRB

  1. One must earn the blade through blood rather than by permission!
  2. This is well done as always. Thanks to everyone for taking the time and putting in the effort to put this together!
  3. Japan (19) USA (36) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (25) Norway (39) North Korea (6) Sweden (38) Finland (17) Germany (21)
  4. Where you able to get a hold of your Internet provider White?
  5. Japan (20) USA (35) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (25) Norway (38) North Korea (8) Sweden (38) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  6. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3l2NeCiP8b8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> NSFW? I'm going to say that it is NSFW unless bodies being turned inside out from explosions are okay Depends on where you work Indeed. It is quite alright in some work places that allow for images of people turning into red mush
  7. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3l2NeCiP8b8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> NSFW? I'm going to say that it is NSFW unless bodies being turned inside out from explosions are okay
  8. I take one point and addes 1 point to another country all the time. Ooooh, i copy wrong one... jeeeeez!!!!! Thats why it all are wrong on my last post! Fucking ey! Ok, lets start from where J. Anderson left off (this is what he posted): Japan (20) USA (35) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (25) Norway (37) North Korea (10) Sweden (37) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  9. Google translate will make me #1 Japanese recruiter! www.1stmarineraiders.comで私達を訪問し、私たちをチェックアウト是非!もしあなたの助けのための私達の友好的MRBやバーのメンバーのいずれかをお気軽にお尋ねください入隊に興味を持って!
  10. To capture the Steam ID's and status of people quickly I wrote this script. There are some scripts that will take a screenshot but this actually saves the information to a text file under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod". I based this off of other scripts that I saw, but this does not require the developer console to open up and close, and it clears out the previous console data before taking the dump. If you do want to have all console data just take out the "clear" command. //Quick status dump alias "conlog" "clear; wait 10; status; wait 100; condump" bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT TO BIND" "conlog"
  11. I like the new banner I, for one, welcome our new Imperial Japanese overlords!
  12. I was under the impression that we could only swap 1 point at a time by taking away from a country and giving it to another. Which 2 countries were you intending to change?
  13. Whats going on Lystad with your last post? I see you made changes to USA, England, Norway, North Korea, Sweden, Finland, and Germany all on this last post and some with more than one increment.
  14. Japan (20) USA (35) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (26) Norway (37) North Korea (10) Sweden (36) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  15. This TV model has a maximum of 720p or 1280x720 of resolution. The TV may be trying to interpret the signal an so you get poor visual quality. Please could you try setting the resolution to the TV at 1280x720?
  16. It sounds like there might be something going on with your motherboard. When you say "initializing" do you mean the initial text or picture that shows up on the screen before Windows starts loading (aka the BIOS and POST messages)?
  17. Japan (20) USA (35) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (26) Norway (36) North Korea (11) Sweden (36) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  18. Something that cannot be unseen
  19. So it sounds like you were booting off of the wrong drive?
  20. Japan (20) USA (32) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (26) Norway (37) North Korea (12) Sweden (37) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  21. Japan (20) USA (34) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (24) Norway (35) North Korea (16) Sweden (33) Finland (17) Germany (22)
  22. Japan (20) USA (34) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (24) Norway (34) North Korea (16) Sweden (33) Finland (18) Germany (22)
  23. Japan (20) USA (33) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (24) Norway (33) North Korea (17) Sweden (32) Finland (18) Germany (22) China (2)
  24. Japan (20) USA (32) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (24) Norway (32) North Korea (17) Sweden (31) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (4)
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