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Everything posted by Dickie

  1. If you are referring to the minor fact that the 1st MRB doesn't appreciate our tags in your server, that's fine. I'm just here because I was never asked to remove my tags or warned if I did not I would be kicked. As for asking the command staff, I'll ask myself and get the answer... especially since I am a member of the command staff Hope you have a good day Parent, and I just wish I was warned or asked to remove my tags.
  2. Nvm Ignore this it was only for an hour
  3. Name: 1Lt. M. Dickie [6th RB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:56198424 Date & Time of ban:11/24/13 20:20 (Sourceban time) Admin who banned you: Not completely sure, Sourcebans says: Supa Hot Fire BAR Excuse for the Unban: I was just playing on the server, then was banned with no warning. I would at least like to know why I got banned as to seeing that the ban was for "breaking server rules" and there were none that I was aware of breaking. Thanks!
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