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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. I agree I pretty much stopped playing after BO2..BO3 wasn't too terrible (mainly played only campaign) I will say that the only thing that stood out to me in the trailer that I loved was the sound of the M1 Garand ejecting the clip! I came a little lol
  2. Sounds like they lack an original thought
  3. mmmm dinner!...and jerky
  4. That axe is Brutal as fuck! \m/
  5. You are missing the point. Its not like we play ARAM all day. We are just saying its fun to play on our drunken nights together.
  6. puh-lease Drunken ARAM nights with friends are fan-fuckin-tastic, Marsden.
  7. I'm a decent support and bot . I'm learning the ropes on top and mid...jung is my worst overall i suk but cannot help but play it its addictive add me if you haven't already! I'll be on one of two accounts XIIGooseIIX Mushy Crap
  8. Team McDowell GO!
  9. In-depth combat system? Whats the difference?
  10. Any decision made yet on a new server to grace with our lovely presence?
  11. I am on the very outskirts of the NW Airbase on the DMZ server. Tried to go out in a blaze of glory, but couldn't find a friggin soul after traveling to the NW corner even used my rifle to kill zombies instead of my ax. After that I traveled towards the Airbase and my game crashed as I approached the airfield. So tomorrow I SHOULD die...if I don't its either because A. I still never found anyone. or B. I'm so Badass that I killed all the admin in the NW base
  12. rgr rgr. I logged in a tree right outside of Stary Yar
  13. I. Am. So. Down. By the way, where did yall end up at after I had to log?
  14. Look I don't know what inbred state you are from but 30 bucks will get you a BJ xD
  15. Really? Wtf. Fuck em. Lets move ourselves to a better server. First however... I say we make an all out attempt to go to where the admins are and just go out in a blaze of glory, taking as many of them out with us. That is just the blood thirsty infantryman in me though
  16. I feel lied to. I was told swords were actually pretty rare. Oh well.
  17. I'm down...I just wanna kill those two bastards that killed an unarmed guy. (I know I know its a KOS server, and I was lucky they didnt shoot me first instead of cuffing me.) LOL On a more serious note. I think it would make a good checkpoint. A couple civ tents would be good. Plus, who knows we just might find a sword
  18. See? I'm not the only one that thinks its a great idea! Seriously lets set up there! Our shit shouldn't get raided as often. I will say though, We should probably scout it out first. As I said earlier last time I was there there were a couple idiots there. After spawning there, I was checking the ruins out and a couple houses. I was there for about 10-20 min before I had just checked out a hunter's stand and grabbed a Cowboy hat (cause that is how I roll) climbed down and started hearing a guy telling me to get down on the ground. Being unarmed, that is what I did. They handcuffed me and started asking questions. At this point I couldn't answer the questions due to the fact I didn't know how to use the VOIP at the time. When I wasn't answering after a min or so they shot me in the head. Anyway the questions that they asked pertained mainly to Where did I come from, who was I with (I had a white armband on) and how I found their base. Keyword "base" Thus people are there with tents. Just gotta raid them and KILL THOSE $*%$&% pieces of %&*$&%$ $%$&. I miss that cowboy hat. ;_;
  19. Skilitsy. The one I SPAWNED on. Pay attention silly. Also the same place where I found a sword on a different hive
  20. take your shit off put it in a water proof bag swim put it back on duh. I have two water proof bags that i keep most of my shit in in my hunter's back pack
  21. I say we raid, murder, and take over the island. To the south. Not many people have the balls to swim across to the island. One of the Last times I died (like 2 months ago) I spawned on that island. after about 20 or 30 min of looting I got caught by a couple idots. I don't know where their crap is....but I do know that they are on that island.
  22. Yea my pack was already full when I found that tent. Grabbed what was most valuable and dumped everything else on the ground to de-spawn. I kinda wanna double back and see the results of my work...lol
  23. I saw this in my FB feed the other day. Funny...yet creepy at the same time lol
  24. After a few more hours into the game, here are some pos/neg thoughts: Positive: Graphics look amazing, great combat system, wonderful story telling. Lots of replaying value. Negative: facial animations are off and goofy often. Multiplayer matches tend to crash the game often. I'll be on the 4th or 5th round and the game will crash in the middle of the round. Also, an update comes out today (4-6-17) to address some of these issues. Hopefully the crashing will be fixed. Tired of wasting my boosts for the game to crash near the end of the match. More to come!
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