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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. P5QL-VM EPU If it helps any my computer is an ASUS CM 5570 only difference is....it now has a 750w power supply instead of the stock 300w and is in a different case also added a GeForce 480 graphics card
  2. It does nothing at all all I have now is a paperweight
  3. -Make sure that the power button from your case is still plugged into the motherboard. It might seem simple, but if that button connector is not connected the computer will not turn on. I checked that even unplugged and plugged it back in -Make sure the case (if it has one) switch in the back on the power supply is in "on" position. Checked that as well it was on -How did you shut down the computer when you moved it to the other room? I shut it down by selecting shut down from the desktop. Waited till it shut down and unplugged everything -Is the computer on the floor resting on carpet or do you set it on a mat or stand? A stand and when I moved it it was put down on a wooden desk -When you handle the computer do you use a device to ground the static charge? No. However I did discharge static by touching metal anytime I took the panel off and consistently did so while working on it.
  4. Name: David LaGesse Rank: Pvt. Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Ok I have no idea why my computer won't even turn on anymore. I recently installed a new graphics card, power supply, and moved all my components from a mini case to a medium case. Everything was working great for about a week or so. Couple days ago I had to shut it down and move it to a different room in the house for a few hrs (installing new carpet in the room) I bring it back and plug everything back in the way it was now it won't even turn on. I took the side panel off and looked around the motherboard and plug-ins everything is in order. Even the motherboard is receiving power (a little green light on the motherboard comes on when I plug the power supply into the wall.... Help me please I'm extremely frustrated about this ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: J. Candy Supporting Technician: T. Heresy
  5. Nice job on the newsletter! A good read indeed!
  6. Absolutely.... ahem... Close my ticket this issue has been very well resolved!
  7. Got everything transfered installed and everything works great! Thank you so much for ya'lls help!
  8. My best game Yet (LOVE YOU CANDY!!!! ^.^)
  9. New Mid Tower case: http://www.ebay.com/itm/CFI-Prime-223-CFI-...=item43c3580024 Old Mini Tower case: http://us.estore.asus.com/index.php?l=prod...tail&p=4627 hope this helps
  10. Name:David LaGesse Rank: Pvt. Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Okay, for Christmas I received a used Graphics Card: 1536 MB GDDR5 GeForce GTX 480. When I tried to install card it turns out that my power supply could not even hook up to it, or even run it. My power supply is only a 300w I need at least a 600w for the card itself. Also the card would fit in the x16 graphics slot BUT would not fit the DVI slots into the back of the case. Thus I need a bigger case and a better power supply. In turn I went to Ebay. Got a Kentek 750w single fan ATX Power Supply. As for the case I went from my current Mini case and went to Ebay for a Medium Case. Estimated time of arrival is the 30th for the case and the 31st for the Power supply Now for the problem. I knew how to put the graphics card in the mother board. However, as for the Power supply AND to transfer everything (HDD, Motherboard, DVD drive etc.) from my Mini Case to the New Medium case. I have no clue what to do. Help me! O_O! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Main Technician: TSgt. J. Kirk Supporting Technician:Pfc. T. Heresy
  11. Bring it on!!!!!!
  12. If doing drugs will make the sheep look like that then...wow....BRING EM ON lmao
  13. how can so much rage come from a person who looks like the old man from up The old man was a rage case until the end. Maybe when candy gets old he will be jolly =P Uh....how'd I get into this conversation about Cannon? Because Quarteman suffers from severe dyslexia and he confuses everything up. Especially names and words. Welll fuck. This is why I hate you guys. Lol, was going to say I am already OLD and jolly, thanks for the reminder...geez....=P ASHTAAAAG! #dyslexic #quartermansonofhalfman Quoting is a hell of a drug! This almost looks like when you stand in front of a mirror with a mirror on the opposite wall and you're naked... Well....this escalated quickly xD
  14. I believe they have those remade. You'd have to look for em though. I tend to play alot of Undead Assault 3 or Mineralz Evolution
  15. Right on just need your SN @ Quarterman Try out the arcade sometime its all custom maps and modes. They have some really interesting and fun things in there. The multiplayer isnt just about the whole " build a base , army, and attack.
  16. Left to right Me and my brother in DC 2013 Me Iraq 2010
  17. Game name: Goose I play on NA servers. Do you play in the arcade, matchmaking, or a little of both?
  18. So who here plays? Life cant always be about FPS ya know
  19. Excellent vid!
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