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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. Not everyone can afford to be part of the master race. Be kind D:
  2. wait...so you mean I'm gonna spawn in the woods with no tent? Cause I'm still in that area I believe...course I haven't logged on in a while lol
  3. Well its out. I've only managed to play for a handful of hours since i was at a school. With what I have seen though, its great. Graphics are beautiful and the simple fact that you are in a completely different universe unexplored by Milky Way species. I like the combat for the most part. I don't like some of the controls though (Xbox Juan) The main one being the scanning tool. I keep finding myself hitting the left on the D pad to try and bring up the scanner. That is just a personal preference though. Can't judge too much on it though being only a couple hours into it. I'll post more on it later
  4. Hell my guy is at least 2 or 3 weeks old. In my book that is an achievement. Oh sweet i had 420 posts ;D
  5. Been away for most of the week. and you may be a better looking bait...but I'm still havent died since i first met up with yall. So
  6. I wish I could play...but alas I'm like 1stLt. Candy. I have a potato and end up 10 min behind everyone
  7. 5.56mm* ;P
  8. Thats 3 of us so far. Whom else shall join us tonight in murder, death, and mayhem? >:D
  9. Pretty much same. After Rifle MOS i'll be free
  10. I'll try and watch some of it this evening. We doing another run tonight?
  11. See? I leave: people die. It is called having a sleep schedule, people.
  12. Why you gotta hold out on me? I thought we were lovers...
  13. Funny thing is that I haven't added a single one of you dorks...yet
  14. We need to set a day like once or twice a week and all get together to gather, hunt, raid, and..... murder.
  15. I was actually gonna do something similar for work, but found out that it comes out on the day I have to leave state for a 2 day school and 2 days for drive time. On top of that I have another class the next week that is another 2 day class and 2 day drive. Thus, I won't get to play it for an additional 2 weeks. F.M.L.
  16. So This game comes out the 21st of March. Who here is excited as I am about it? I've played the series since the first one came out in 2007. It wasn't all that popular at the time either, but I was massively in love with it. The series didn't get popular till Mass Effect 2. (also was the best one too). The 3rd one was amazing till the end of it. Then it was just disappointing. All those days worth of hours put into multiple Shepards, Male and female, Paragon and Renegade, for the same ending just different colors. smh. :/ Well, lets hear it!
  17. BUMP! Come on peeps. I know more than a couple of yall have a XJuan
  18. pfffffft. Details. Who needs em.
  19. So what you are saying is that its ok to show off my Jacob's Ladder?
  20. Truth hurts. Don't deny it. It is unbecoming
  21. Well you are no fun
  22. Lol. Aren't I older than you? Doesn't that mean I have been playing longer?
  23. strand is what bothers me *barf*
  24. Wow that friggin sucks. Sorry about last night guys. Storm took internet out and there were tornadoes and my lady was absolutely in panic mode. She had never been in tornado weather lol.
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