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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. My first 2 years I was a gunner then 2 more years as a assistant gunner. Then I got moved from dismount and became a gunner for a Bradley. Army NG OIF-OEF 09-10
  2. Ahhh, Memories
  3. Is that a 240 that he is holding?
  4. What did you do that with, Gearhart? A VCR motor? XD
  5. This evening turned out pretty good. I logged on the into the DMZ hive and decided to check my surroundings for loot. After all, I got a couple stands and a feed shack. Found a hunting scope and a Hunters back pack. Then I decided to check out the Barns there didn't find anything but a coke. Then...as I was exiting the last barn I see a helicopter crash site. All right there in front of me. A good 300m later I find A lot of assorted magazines a couple attachments one being a silencer for my pistol. After that I logged out...from inside of the crashed Heli. ^.^
  6. You are still alive, boo? I miss my Mottolalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
  7. I was being sarcastic but cool lol
  8. But I'm freezing, hungry, drenched, thirsty, sick, and bleeding... got a cure for that? lol
  9. That was significantly less climatic than what I was expecting
  10. In the woods next to a hunter's stand on the west side of Zelen, just south of a couple cattle pens on the DMZ server. The woods has two Hunter Stands facing south and a feed shack just north of em.
  11. Thank you,sir! I'll keep em comin!
  12. The smell of WW3 approaching is getting stronger, and it scares the shit out of me.
  13. Looks fun and hilarious to play. GIFT IT FOR ME xD
  14. Great read! Well done everyone!
  15. Happy BurfDay! Gearhart! Peanut butter internet cookies for everyone!
  16. I remember these. I had two of em. One was a dog...the other was a baby....both suffered many losses
  17. You are absolutely correct. Back to the main subject.
  19. true but you dont kill each other
  20. W Who is also addicted to mushrooms I might add
  21. I'll be more politically correct then. Goldeneye is the grandfather of console MULTIPLAYER shooters... dick
  22. Or how about the grandfather of console shooters.... GOLDENEYE
  24. Uh...bitch do you even Perfect Dark?
  25. Holoquist, wtf... you dont play anything i play....what good does this do me??? lmao
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