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LaGesse 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by LaGesse 1st MRB

  1. So? Who has an Xbox One and plays on it!? What games? I know, I know...PC is the master race. However, not everyone can afford a decked out rig. Show em if you got em! Lets see those GamerTags mine is DoG XIIGooseIIX Games I play Halo 5 BF1 Titanfall 2 The Division (Haven't played in a while)
  2. I have it as well, however not on PC. I have it on the Xbox Juan
  3. Because you know...crab cakes
  4. Too bad its out of season here in the states... D: I need to restock on my deer jerky...although I would love to try some Moose jerky
  5. crab cakes crab cake and crabcakes
  6. Yes, my natural shit/fart separator has made me change a couple times (literally) That fuckin alien is quite the hunter. I'll wait like 10 min in a locker waiting for it to leave then it'll finally jump up in to the vents and wait for me...in front of the door that i need to exit through...the bastard
  7. So I got this game a couple days ago and I'm loving it!. I am generally not a horror fan, not because I get scared but because i know it isn't real and I don't get the entertainment as others do. However that being said there is an exception: The Alien series. I watched those movies when I was growing up, and it is the only one that ever actually scared me. Thus I love the franchise. I'm only on mission 6 or 7 and I'm playing on the Hard difficulty, and this has already broken my fart/poo separator more than once lol
  8. Update: This afternoon my mouse decided to call it quits while I was playing dods turns out there was a break in the cord where it meets the mouse. Got a new mouse all is good now. Close ticket p.s. Did some research on the mouse. Apparently, it was a common problem with that model. Reports show that the G500 has no cable flexion protector and the cable can kink or break wires inside at the point where it exits the mouse.
  9. Name:D. LaGesse Rank:TSgt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software or Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Okay my mouse has been cutting in and out randomly but only when I play a game. it never has gone out while not playing. I dont have another mouse to test if its hardware. my mouse is a Logitech laser wired mouse ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  10. Duuuuuude...i wants
  11. Japan (46) USA (83) Canada (52) Germany (60) Japan (46) USA (83) Canada (52) Germany (60)
  12. Japan (40) USA (78) Canada (47) Sweden (21) Germany (55)
  13. Japan (40) USA (77) Canada (46) Sweden (23) Germany (55)
  14. Japan (42) USA (74) Canada (46) Sweden (24) Germany (55) Ah, much better, no more N. KOREA
  15. Japan (41) USA (73) Canada (46) North Korea (3) Sweden (25) Germany (53)
  16. Japan (40) USA (72) Canada (46) North Korea (4) Sweden (25) Germany (54)
  17. Japan (40) USA (70) Canada (45) North Korea (7) Sweden (25) Germany (54)
  18. Japan (40) USA (67) Canada (45) North Korea (9) Sweden (25) Germany (55)
  19. Japan (40) USA (68) Canada (44) North Korea (10) Sweden (25) Germany (54)
  20. Japan (40) USA (66) Canada (40) England (7) North Korea (12) Sweden (25) Germany (51)
  21. Japan (40) USA (66) Canada (38) England (8) North Korea (13) Sweden (25) Germany (51)
  22. Japan (40) USA (63) Canada (38) England (8) North Korea (14) Sweden (25) Germany (53)
  23. Japan (41) USA (61) Canada (35) England (17) North Korea (17) Sweden (25) Germany (45)
  24. Woz....who taught you math? Japan (40) USA (61) Canada (35) England (18) North Korea (18) Sweden (25) Germany (44) Finland has been eliminated!
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